NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 0:5:15.0
Declination: -20:42:54
Constellation: CET
Visual Magnitude:
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel W.
Year of discovery: 1784
Discovery aperture: 18.7
Summary description: Cl, vP, vlC
Sub-type: *Grp
Corwin's Notes
NGC 7826 is "A triangular group of about a dozen stars" according to JH. What
he doesn't say is that the stars are fairly bright, and are scattered over an
area of 13 arcmin by 9 arcmin. The apex of the triangle is to the south. I
think it's unlikely that this is a real cluster, but haven't checked the
proper motions.
The RA, by the way, is poorly constrained -- do we include the double star 8
arcminutes to the east as a part of the "cluster" or not? I'm undecided.
WH's position and JH's description suggests "Yes, include it," while Brian
Skiff's position suggests "No, let it hang out there by itself." My own
position acknowledges the double, but has it well off to the east of the main
part of the object. I've adopted it as a compromise. In the end, however --
your call.
Steve's Notes
NGC 7826
17.5" (12/4/93): about 20 scattered mag 9-13 stars in a 15' diameter form this asterism. Most of the stars are arranged in an elongated string oriented NNW-SSE including five brighter mag 9-10 stars. A double star (mag 10/11.5 at 30" in pa 45¡) located 10' E forms an equilateral triangle with the endpoints of the string. Stands out in field because of the brighter stars.