NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 23:56:7.8
Declination: +0:32:59
Constellation: PSC
Visual Magnitude: 14.2
Historic Information
Discoverer: Marth
Year of discovery: 1864
Discovery aperture: 48.0
Summary description: vF, S, R
Sub-type: S0-a
Corwin's Notes
NGC 7787. Steve Gottlieb has found that this object has been misidentified in
most catalogues. It is usually taken as UGC 12849, but Steve points out that
Marth's position falls within the corona of UGC 12847. Aside from the
possibility of a systematic offset in Marth's positions on the night he found
the galaxy, there is no reason to suppose that he didn't see UGC 12847.
We will check the possibility of a systematic error in other of Marth's
positions measured on the same night. I am reasonably confident that the
earlier cataloguers did not make this check, so am reassigning the NGC number
to what is undoubtedly the galaxy that Marth actually saw.
Steve's Notes
NGC 7787
24" (8/31/16): at 324x; faint to fairly faint, small, round, stellar nucleus, ~15" diameter. Located 4' W of UGC 12849, the galaxy generally taken as NGC 7787. The two galaxies are comparable in visibility.
UGC 12849 appeared faint to fairly faint, fairly small, elongated 5:2 WSW-ENE, 30"x12", slightly brighter core. A mag 12.6 star is just 36" NW of center and interferes somewhat with the visibility.