NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 23:44:45.7
Declination: +25:54:34
Constellation: PEG
Visual Magnitude: 14.2

Historic Information

Discoverer: Marth
Year of discovery: 1863
Discovery aperture: 48.0


Summary description: eF
Sub-type: E0

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 7745. MCG missed the NGC identification in spite of the fact that Marth's position is quite good. Though this is in a poor galaxy cluster, it is the brightest member. Since none of the other cluster members is nearly as bright, there are no other objects nearby that Marth could have confused with this one, so the identification is secure.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 7745 17.5" (12/16/95): extremely faint, very small, round, 20" diameter. Appears as a very low surface brightness spot that requires averted vision. Collinear with a wide pair of mag 13/14 stars 3.0' and 4.0' NW of center. Located 15' SE of NGC 7741.