NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 23:36:14.1
Declination: +2:9:17
Constellation: PSC
Visual Magnitude: 12.5

Historic Information

Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1830
Discovery aperture: 18.3


Summary description: pB, S, R, psbM, * 12 sp, * 6 sf
Sub-type: SBb/P

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 7714 48" (10/26/16): at 610x; very bright, moderately large, unusual irregular structure, ~1.2' diameter. This deformed, interacting Wolf-Rayet galaxy is dominated by an extremely bright stellar nucleus (starburst activity). A short bar-like central region is elongated NNW-SSE. A curved arm bends sharply west on the south end of the "bar" and contains a very small knot (southwest of the nucleus). A second arm, which appears to consist of a series of HII knots on the SDSS, begins on the northwest end of the "bar" and extends a short distance northeast. A low surface brightness halo appears as a hazy glow on the eastern side only [a tidal loop on the SDSS]. The western tidally stretched arm of NGC 7715 2' E heads towards NGC 7714 but doesn't form a complete bridge. NGC 7714 is located just 4' NW of mag 5.7 16 Psc and the bright star needs to be kept out of the field. 24" (8/30/16): at 322x; bright, moderately large, irregular shape. Contains a very bright quasi-stellar nucleus and a close knot on the NW side. The halo is irregular in outline. Brighter of a close, interacting pair (Arp 284) with NGC 7715 2' E. The bridge of material connecting the pair was not seen. Located 4' NW of mag 5.7 16 Psc! 17.5" (8/7/91): moderately bright, very small, unusually bright 13th magnitude stellar nucleus! Surrounded by a small halo slightly elongated NW-SE. Forms a close pair with NGC 7715 1.8' E. Located 4' NW of 16 Piscium (V = 5.7), which adds to an interesting view! This is a distorted Wolf-Rayet starburst galaxy.