NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 23:8:31.6
Declination: +0:54:36
Constellation: PSC
Visual Magnitude: 14.9
Historic Information
Discoverer: Bigourdan
Year of discovery: 1886
Discovery aperture: 12.4
Summary description: vF, stellar
Sub-type: *
Corwin's Notes
NGC 7493 is a star. Its micrometrically measured position and its
description, from a single observation by Bigourdan in October 1886, clearly
identifies it. Bigourdan was not so sure about it the second time he saw it:
"Star 13.3 around which I suspect an exceedingly faint trace of nebulosity of
which the existence is not certain."