NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 22:9:7.6
Declination: -27:48:35
Constellation: PSA
Visual Magnitude: 12.7
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1834
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: globular, pL, iR, rr
Sub-type: SBc/P
Steve's Notes
NGC 7214
18" (9/3/05): brightest and largest of four in the HCG 91 group = AM 2206-280 = Klemola 40. At 225x appears fairly faint, fairly small, irregularly round or a ragged edge to the outer halo, diameter ~0.8' though grows slightly with averted vision. Contains a small, bright, round core. Two mag 13 stars aligned E-W are close south and southwest. MCG -05-52-035 = HCG 91D is attached at the north end and appears as a very faint, extremely small knot, ~10" diameter. ESO 467-013 = HCG 91C, situated 2' NE of NGC 7214, appeared extremely faint, very small, round, very low surface brightness, 0.3' diameter.
17.5" (10/13/90): fairly faint, very small, slightly elongated, very small very bright core, a mag 13 star is just off the SW end, 1.1' from center. This galaxy is the brightest of four in HCG 91. An almost stellar companion, MCG -05-52-035 = HCG 91D, is 30" NNE, MCG -05-52-036 = HCG 91C 2.2' NE and MCG -05-52-039 = HCG 91B 5' NNE.