NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 22:2:8.2
Declination: -31:59:26
Constellation: PSA
Visual Magnitude: 11.4
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1834
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: B, pL, R, f of D neb, 4th of 4
Sub-type: E0
Steve's Notes
NGC 7176
24" (8/23/14): at 375x appeared very bright, moderately large, round, 1.0' diameter, intense core that increases to the center, which contains a bright, stellar nucleus. NGC 7174, with an elongated, irregular shape, is merged with NGC 7176 on the southwest side, and the combination forms a striking triple with NGC 7173 1.5' northwest. ESO 466-046 lies 7.5' due east. This edge-on galaxy appeared extremely faint, fairly small, very elongated 4:1 SSW-NNE, 0.6'x0.15'. A mag 15 star is off the southeast end.
18" (10/21/06): slightly brighter than NGC 7173. Appears bright, moderately large, round, 1.1' diameter. Sharply concentrated with a very bright 30" core that increases to a stellar nucleus. Forms an interacting double system (merged) with NGC 7174 (elliptical/spiral pair) attached to the SW side.
18" (9/3/05): fairly bright, moderately large, 1' diameter, well concentrated with a bright, very small nucleus. This is the most obvious (along with NGC 7172) in a quartet comprising HCG 90. NGC 7174 is attached at the west edge.
13.1" (7/27/84): faint, small, round, similar to NGC 7173 1.5' NW. Forms a contact pair with NGC 7174 at the SW edge in the NGC 7172 group = HCG 90.
8" (7/24/82): faint, small. Component of an unresolved pair with NGC 7174.