NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 21:10:45.5
Declination: -23:8:7
Constellation: CAP
Visual Magnitude: 14.2
Historic Information
Discoverer: Muller
Year of discovery: 1886
Discovery aperture: 26.3
Summary description: eF, S, iR
Sub-type: SB0
Corwin's Notes
NGC 7035. This number probably includes both galaxies in the pair. Muller
has the diameter as 0.5 arcmin and calls his object "irregularly round".
This sort of description and size would fit the bright inner parts of the
galaxies pretty well.
But it could possibly just apply to the brighter, larger western galaxy. We
need an eyepiece evaluation of the galaxies. Perhaps Muller did see just one.
Lacking firm evidence of this, however, I'm assigning the NGC number to both
Steve's Notes
NGC 7035
17.5" (8/2/97): brightest in a small group of galaxies - this object was quickly noticed to be double at 220x oriented WNW-ESE. The very close components are just resolved, round, ~20" diameter each and very similar in brightness. Several faint galaxies are in the field to the east including ESO 530-018, MCG +05-50-004 and ESO 530-020 (resolved triple galaxy).
ESO 530-018 is an extremely faint and small object in the NGC 7035 group. Located 8' ESE of NGC 7035 and 4' W of the ESO 530-020 triplet. It required concentration and extended viewing to glimpse this threshold object close (NE) of a mag 15 star. Confusing the observation further is a second threshold galaxy (MCG +05-50-004) that was also glimpsed on a couple of occasions close southeast of the star.
MCG -04-50-007 is the middle in a close trio oriented SW to NE. Although appearing very faint and small, this member is the largest and brightest of the trio (ESO 530-020), seems to have a brighter core and is slightly elongated ~SW-NE. MCG -04-50-006 is the furthest southwest and appears extremely faint, very small, slightly elongated SSW-NNE, but direction uncertain due to faintness. MCG -04-50-008 is the northeast member of the chain and appeared extremely faint, very small, round. This galaxy is close SE [40"] of a mag 13 star and is just cleanly resolved from MCG -04-50-007 to the southwest. The trio is situated 4' S of a striking double star h5251 = 8.5/8.7 at 9".