NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 21:7:25.4
Declination: -25:25:45
Constellation: CAP
Visual Magnitude: 13.4
Historic Information
Discoverer: Leavenworth
Year of discovery: 1885
Discovery aperture: 26.3
Summary description: vF, vS, vlE, glbM, 3rd of 3
Sub-type: E4
Steve's Notes
NGC 7018
24" (8/14/15): at 225x; moderately bright, fairly small, elongated 5:3 E-W, ~30"x18". At 375x, resolved into a very close pair of galaxies [just 10" between centers!] oriented E-W. The western component is slightly smaller and fainter, with the brighter 15" component is on the east side. A mag 13.5 star lies 1' N.
24" (9/27/14): at 375x, the brightest member in AGC 3744 appeared fairly faint, fairly small, elongated 5:3 ~E-W. This double system often resolves into two tangent components; the eastern member (NGC 7018 NED02 = 2MASX J21072565-2525430) is slightly larger and brighter (18" diameter) and the western component (NGC 7018 NED01 = 2MASX J21072463-2525569) is very compact (12" diameter).
Nearby are NGC 7016 3.2' SW, NGC 7017 3.7' SSW and MCG -04-49-016 2.6' ENE. The MCG appeared very faint, extremely small, round, 12" diameter. A mag 15 star is 0.6' SW.
18" (8/25/06): brightest in the AGC 3744 cluster. At 220x appeared fairly faint, fairly small, elongated 3:2 ~E-W, 45"x30", gradually brighter core and slightly brighter along the major axis. A mag 12.5 star lies 1' N. Located 10' NE of an 8th magnitude star and 25' S of 4.5-magnitiude 24 Capricorni.
17.5" (8/21/98): the brightest member of AGC 3744 appeared faint, small, elongated 3:2 E-W, 30"x20", weak concentration. A mag 13 star lies 1' N. Brightest in a quartet with NGC 7016 3.2' SW and NGC 7017 3.7' SSW.
17.5" (7/21/90): faint, small, slightly elongated E-W, weak concentration. A mag 13 star is 1.0' N. Brightest in a trio with NGC 7016 and NGC 7017 3' SW. Located 30' SSE of 24 Capricorni (V = 4.5).