NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 18:16:24.0
Declination: -15:0:0
Constellation: SER
Visual Magnitude: 6.0
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1826
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: Cl, lRi, lC, st 10…12
Sub-type: OCL
Corwin's Notes
NGC 6605. There appears to be a +2 minute error in JH's RA, as a cluster
matching his description "Loose straggling cluster; stars 10...12m" is at his
declination, but 2 minutes of time preceding. There are about 30 stars of the
correct magnitude scattered over a 15 arcmin by 15 arcmin area, while there
are none brighter than 14th or 15th magnitude at the nominal place (which is
laced with a complex of absorption bands). The RA in the sweep is given to a
full second of time and is marked uncertain, but JH published it with his
usual precision of 0.1 seconds and no indication of the uncertainty. In any
event, an RA error is not inexplicable.
Coincidentally, the RA is one minute of time off in the Alter et al. 1970
catalogue of star clusters where this is OCl-47.
Steve's Notes
NGC 6605
18" (8/27/05): at 73x, this is a very undistinguished group of 80-100 stars scattered over 20' and appears to be just a typical Milky Way field. Includes a mag 7.8 star (HD 167498) on the NW side and just NW of this star are a number of faint stars. Otherwise, there is a noticeable lack of any rich spots or concentration and the central region is noticeably lacking in stars. The only reason I can see Herschel may have been recorded this object is because it's somewhat detached in a low power field. Listed as nonexistent in the RNGC.