NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 17:51:46.8
Declination: +24:28:59
Constellation: HER
Visual Magnitude: 12.3
Historic Information
Discoverer: Safford
Year of discovery: 1866
Discovery aperture: 18.5
Summary description: eF, vS, R, mbM
Sub-type: Sb
Steve's Notes
NGC 6484
24" (7/9/13): at 375x appeared bright, fairly large, slightly elongated E-W. Sharply concentrated with a relatively large, intense oval core ~30"x20", that gradually increases to the center. The core is embedded in a fairly large, low surface brightness halo that increases in size with averted to 1.5'x1.2'. MCG +04-42-010 and -011, a 30" pair of faint galaxies, are situated 5.8' NE. MCG +04-42-010 appeared faint, small, elongated 2:1 NNW-SSE, 24"x12", low even surface brightness. MCG +04-42-011, just 30" SE, was extremely to very faint, elongated 2:1 WSW-ENE, just 10"x5".
24" (6/8/13): at 282x appeared moderately bright to fairly bright, sharply concentrated with a fairly oval core of high surface brightness, ~24"x18", oriented SW-NE. The core is centered within a very low surface brightness halo, ~1.4'x1.0' E-W. Pou 3316, a mag 11.3/12.5 pair at 14", lies 4.2' SW. MCG +04-42-010 and -011, a close pair of faint edge-ons, lies 5.8' ENE; MCG +04-42-010 appeared very faint, small, elongated 5:2 NNW-SSE, 18"x8" and the companion -011 is very faint, very small, elongated 2:1 WSW-ENE, 12"x6". NGC 6484 is the brightest member of KTG 67 with UGC 11027 at 21' NE and UGC 11029 at 28' E.
17.5" (7/1/89): fairly faint, fairly small, slightly elongated WSW-ENE, small bright core, fairly faint stellar nucleus.