NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 13:50:35.9
Declination: +33:42:19
Constellation: CVN
Visual Magnitude: 12.9
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel W.
Year of discovery: 1785
Discovery aperture: 18.7
Summary description: F, S, R, psbM, 2nd of 4
Sub-type: SB0
Corwin's Notes
NGC 5318. Steve Gottlieb notes an observation in WH's Sweep 407 on 3 May 1785
that reads "Suspected, vF, i, and vS, but 240 made it appear more like a small
patch." WH's position (13 50 42, +33 42.6; J2000, re-reduced from his offsets
from AW CVn = HD 120933) lands just a few seconds east of NGC 5318, the
brightest galaxy in the group, so his position likely refers to this galaxy.
However, he did not make -- or chose to ignore -- the connection between the
two observations, so this later one was apparently deliberately skipped during
the assembly of his catalogue.
Steve also notes that Mitchell found two companions ("patches"!) near this
galaxy. See the entry in the "notngc" files for that story.
See NGC 5312 and 5319 for more on this group.
Steve's Notes
NGC 5318
48" (4/15/10): bright, fairly large, oval 2:1 NNW-SSE, 1.0'x0.5', bright core, stellar nucleus, high surface brightness. This galaxy is the brightest in a group with 7 galaxies picked up in the 510x field (6 in a 10' string oriented NNW to SSE). The closest two companions, MCG +06-30-097 and MCG +06-30-095 (incorrectly identified as NGC 5319 in several sources), are located 52" NNW and 1.9' NNW, respectively. These two companions were described and sketched using Lord Rosse's 72", but did not receive NGC numbers.
18" (5/16/09): moderately bright, moderately large, elongated 3:2 ~N-S, 0.8'x0.5', bright core. Brightest of 4 NGC galaxies with NGC 5321 4.6' SSE, NGC 5312 11' SW and NGC 5319 3.5' NNE.
17.5" (5/22/93): moderately bright, fairly small, round, prominent core, stellar nucleus. Forms a pair with NGC 5321 4' S. NGC 5312 lies 10' SW.