NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 13:18:28.4
Declination: -10:14:2
Constellation: VIR
Visual Magnitude: 13.3

Historic Information

Discoverer: Stone
Year of discovery: 1886
Discovery aperture: 26.3


Summary description: eF, vS (? = m 251)
Sub-type: Sa

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 5069 = NGC 5066. N5069 is another of Ormond Stone's discoveries with the Leander McCormick 26-inch refractor. His position, like those of many of the other nebulae found there, is too far east in RA, but approximately correct in Dec. This, and his appropriate description, gives me considerable confidence in the identity with N5066.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 5069 See observing notes for NGC 5066.