NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 13:5:36.4
Declination: +53:33:52
Constellation: UMA
Visual Magnitude: 14.2
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel W.
Year of discovery: 1789
Discovery aperture: 18.7
Summary description: vF, S, E, * att
Sub-type: E?
Corwin's Notes
NGC 4967, NGC 4973 = IC 847, and NGC 4974. Discovered by William Herschel on
the night of 14 April 1789, these are presumably the brightest in the group of
six or seven galaxies in the area. Herschel's positions, though, are roughly
a minute of time too large, and he gives only one position for N4973 and
N4974. Dreyer recognized the problem with the positions in this sweep (921)
and another (1001) which, unfortunately, did not cover these objects. In a
note to WH's second catalogue, Dreyer gives "modern" positions from JH
(N4967), Rumker (N4973 and 4974), and Howe (N4973). If we accept these
positions (and I'm inclined to as they refer to the brightest three galaxies
in the group, and do not disagree with WH's relative positions of N4967 and
N4973/4), then WH's description of the relative positions of N4973 and N4974
needs to be changed. He claims that his "place is that of the 2nd, the other
is 3' or 4' south-preceding." This should read "... 3' or 4' north-
CGCG, MCG, and RNGC all have the identifications of N4973 and N4974 garbled.
(MCG, in addition, gets the identification of IC 847 wrong; it is actually
the same galaxy as N4973 if we trust Swift's position.) Here are the
correct identifications:
N4973 = I847 = CGCG 1303.4+5357 = CGCG 270-049 = CGCG 271-005 =
= MCG +09-22-006
N4974 = CGCG 1303.8+5356 = CGCG 270-051 = CGCG 271-007 = MCG +09-22-009
Steve's Notes
NGC 4967
18" (6/27/03): very faint, fairly small, round, very low surface brightness glow, ~0.8' diameter. A mag 14 star is at the SW edge. Located 7' S of NGC 4973 in a compact group of 5 galaxies.