NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 12:24:35.1
Declination: +12:10:58
Constellation: VIR
Visual Magnitude:

Historic Information

Discoverer: d'Arrest
Year of discovery: 1865
Discovery aperture: 11.0


Summary description: vF, S, R
Sub-type: *2

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 4367 is probably the double star near d'A's position. In his description, d'A has this 35 seconds following a brighter nebula also found by him. That nebula is NGC 4351, and the separation is correct. Also, d'A has two accordant observations of N4367, so it is reasonably clear that he saw a real object, nebulous or not. The second of the two stars is quite faint, though. This may account for Frost's not finding any nebulosity at d'A's position on a 4-hour Bruce plate. Dreyer, in an IC2 note, has this nebula among several that Frost did not find.