NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 11:58:42.5
Declination: +25:2:12
Constellation: COM
Visual Magnitude: 12.8
Historic Information
Discoverer: Dreyer
Year of discovery: 1878
Discovery aperture: 72.0
Summary description: F, vS, E, mbM
Sub-type: Sc
Corwin's Notes
NGC 4015. This is a double galaxy in the NGC 4005 group. Steve Gottlieb
notes that LdR picked up both objects on at least one night, though simply
called the northern object "... a tail n[orth] of Nucl[eus] ..." The NGC does
not comment on the "tail", nor does it note the object as double.
Not too long ago, I wrote here, "Nevertheless, I've included positions for
both objects in the position table with the NGC number." I've changed my mind
and have listed the northern object as a companion galaxy because it is clear
that the primary object that the visual observers picked up is the much
brighter southern one.
I went on to say, "Another place for the northern object might well be the
'notngc' files, but I've left it with its southern companion in the main NGC
position table." This comment needs no change or qualification at the moment.
Steve's Notes
NGC 4015
24" (3/22/14): moderately to fairly bright, moderately large, sharply concentrated with a very bright blazing core and a faint halo. The superimposed or interacting companion (VV 216b) was just visible at 375x as an extremely faint, elongated patch jutting out on the north side!
17.5" (3/19/88): fairly faint, small, slightly elongated bright core. First of three with NGC 4021 5' NE and NGC 4023 6' SE. Located close to the Coma Berenices-Leo border within the NGC 4007 group. This is a double galaxy but the companion on north side was not seen.