NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 11:45:35.2
Declination: +3:13:56
Constellation: VIR
Visual Magnitude: 13.7

Historic Information

Discoverer: Todd
Year of discovery: 1878
Discovery aperture: 26.0


Summary description: F, S, F * 2' ssp
Sub-type: S0-a

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 3849 = IC 730. Todd's sketches [this is his number (10)] from 14 Dec 1877 positively identify the galaxy, though his position (read from the setting circles of the Naval Observatory's 26-inch refractor) is -- as usual -- well off. In spite of his poor position, he was able to recover the object on 11 Feb 1878, and changed his description of it from "large and nebulous" to "small, quite condensed, somewhat nebulous, and faint." See NGC 3604 for more about the nebulae that Todd found. The galaxy was rediscovered by Javelle about 15 years later. Aside from the uncertainty in the position (from the BD) of his comparison star, Javelle's position for the galaxy is very good. His description (with the 30-inch refractor at Nice) is accordant with Todd's second observation.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 3849 48" (4/16/15): at 488x; moderately bright, fairly small, oval 3:2 or 5:3 SW-NE, 0.5'x0.3', small bright core, fairly high surface brightness. A mag 16.3 star is off the southeast side [27" from center]. An extremely faint "star" was noted off the northwest side [25" from center]. After later checking the SDSS, I discovered this is a compact galaxy (SDSS J114534.52+031417.8) with V = 17.8. An extremely faint edge-on poking out of the east side of IC 730 was not seen. 17.5" (4/9/99): faint, small, slightly elongated SW-NE, 25" diameter, no concentration. Visible steadily with direct vision. A mag 15 star lies 1.6' SSW. This is a Todd discovery and due to a poor position is listed as nonexistent in RNGC. This galaxy is listed as IC 730 (good position from Javelle) in modern catalogues.