NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 9:50:11.2
Declination: +44:17:43
Constellation: UMA
Visual Magnitude: 13.6
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1828
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: pF, R, bM, r, p of 2
Sub-type: Sc
Corwin's Notes
NGC 3009. The identification is uncertain. See NGC 3010 for the story.
Steve's Notes
NGC 3009
17.5" (2/8/91): faint, small, round, even surface brightness. Forms a pair with NGC 3010 5' ENE.
Alternative identification: NGC 3009 = NGC 3010sw = MCG +07-20-065
17.5" (2/8/91): this is the southwest member of the NGC 3010 triple system and noted as very faint, small, round. UGC 5273b = MCG +07-20-066 is just 40" NE.