NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 6:43:57.7
Declination: +3:28:45
Constellation: MON
Visual Magnitude:

Historic Information

Discoverer: Herschel W.
Year of discovery: 1786
Discovery aperture: 18.7


Summary description: Cl, lC, not Ri
Sub-type: OCL

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 2270. Found by WH who called it "A cluster of very scattered stars, considerably rich and of very great extent," this appears on the POSS as an irregularly scattered grouping of about 50 stars centered about 2 arcmin north of the NGC position. About 12 arcmin north and 4 arcmin west is another similar group of stars. Could this second group be the reason WH noted the "very great extent" of the object?

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 2270 17.5" (2/1/03): this is a large, scattered field, ~10' diameter surrounding a kite-shaped asterism of mag 8.5-10 stars. There is no concentration but there are a couple of denser clumps of faint stars on the east side. A curving string of stars heads NE and ends at a group of stars surrounding mag 7.6 SAO 114355. Located 30' S of a mag 5.9 star. Does not appear to be a cluster but just a Milky Way field. Listed as a nonexistent cluster in the RNGC.