NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 5:36:54.3
Declination: -70:9:44
Constellation: MEN
Visual Magnitude: 11.9
Historic Information
Discoverer: Dunlop
Year of discovery: 1826
Discovery aperture: 9.0
Summary description: vB, pL, R, gbM, 4th of 7
Sub-type: OCL
Corwin's Notes
NGC 2058. See NGC 2043 and NGC 2052.
Steve's Notes
NGC 2058
24" (4/9/08 - Magellan Observatory, Australia): this is the brightest cluster in a 15' field of 8 NGC clusters including NGC 2046, 47, 57, 59, 65, 66 and 72. All 8 clusters easily fit in the field of 13mm Ethos at 200x within a 20' circle. Using 260x, NGC 2058 appeared very bright, large, well concentrated. The outer halo extends up to 2' diameter using averted vision. At 350x, a few very faint stars are resolved in the halo and around the edges of the core. Two mag 12.5-13 stars lie 1' WSW and 1.5' WNW. Other nearby clusters include NGC 2059 2' N, NGC 2066 4.1' E, NGC 2047 5.4' WSW and NGC 2065 5.8' SE. I also picked up a couple of "anonymous" clusters or HII knots. OGLE-CL LMC 632 is north of NGC 2059 and LHA 120-N171B is following NGC 2072. This group of clusters is located just over a degree south of the Tarantula Nebula.