NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 0:6:37.9
Declination: +8:22:8
Constellation: PSC
Visual Magnitude: 14.3

Historic Information

Discoverer: Marth
Year of discovery: 1864
Discovery aperture: 48.0


Summary description: eeF, vS
Sub-type: Sc

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 7834. See NGC 7830.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 7834 18" (10/21/06): extremely faint, very small, round, 15" diameter. Just follows a 40" pair of mag 13/14.5 stars oriented N-S that are close off the NW and SW side (40" NW and 25" SW). 17.5" (8/2/86): very faint, very diffuse, fairly small, even surface brightness. Two stars are very close off the NW and SW end oriented N-S. Largest in the NGC 3 group with NGC 7837/NGC 7838 4.3' ESE and NGC 7835 4.2' NE.