NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 23:28:5.8
Declination: +8:46:9
Constellation: PEG
Visual Magnitude: 14.9

Historic Information

Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1830
Discovery aperture: 18.3


Summary description: vF, S, R, gbM, f of 2
Sub-type: E/SB0

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 7675. See NGC 7674A in the "notngc" files.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 7675 48" (10/30/16): at 610x; very bright, moderately large, well concentrated with a very bright core that increases to the center. The halo is oval 4:3 SSW-NNE. NGC 7675 is the second brightest member of the HCG 96 quartet with HCG 96D 1.5' W. LEDA 1353595, situated 1.9' NE though not a member, appeared very faint (V = 16.9), small, irregularly round, 10" diameter, very low surface brightness. 24" (12/28/13): moderately bright, fairly small, elongated 4:3 or 5:4 SSW-NNE, 0.6'x0.45', well concentrated with a small, very bright core. Second brightest in the HCG 96 quartet with NGC 7674 2.4' WNW. 18" (9/3/05): fairly faint, fairly small, round, very small brighter core and stellar nucleus with direct vision. Located 2.5' ESE of slightly brighter and larger NGC 7674. 18" (8/27/05): fairly faint, small, slightly elongated, 0.6'x0.5', very small bright core. Located 2.4' following NGC 7674. 17.5" (11/28/97): faint, very small, round, 20" diameter, very small brighter core. At 280x a stellar nucleus is visible. Located 2.4' ESE of NGC 7674 in HCG 96. 17.5" (7/16/93): faint, small, round, broad concentration, substellar nucleus. Second brightest in NGC 7674 group = HCG 96 group with NGC 7674 2.5' WNW. Appears brighter than listed magnitude. 17.5" (11/1/86): fairly faint, very small, round, weak concentration, slightly smaller and fainter than NGC 7674 2.5' WNW. Poor seeing during observation.