NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 21:24:22.0
Declination: +36:29:12
Constellation: CYG
Visual Magnitude: 7.0

Historic Information

Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1828
Discovery aperture: 18.3


Summary description: Cl, P, st 10…
Sub-type: III2p

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 7063. JH describes this object, seen only in one sweep on 19 August 1828, as "A poor cluster, stars 10 m." His position falls within an oblong clump of stars roughly 8 arcmin by 3 arcmin, though it seems to be concentration in a somewhat larger (11 arcmin by 8 arcmin) group centered about 2.5 arcminutes to the southwest. Given the paucity of the description, and JH's usual position uncertainties, either group could be his object. However, the clump of stars to the northwest is much more obvious on the DSS, so I am taking this as JH's object.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 7063 17.5" (8/7/91): about 35 stars mag 9-15 in a 10' region. Very bright, fairly large, elongated ~N-S. Includes about ten bright stars mag 9-10.5. This is a scattered group with no rich sections. A line of four bright stars is at the west edge and a curving arc of bright stars is just following. Includes a triple star (ES 2126) consisting of a close 4" well-matched mag 11 double star and a third member at 9".