NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 21:14:50.3
Declination: +4:30:28
Constellation: EQU
Visual Magnitude:
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1827
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: eF
Sub-type: *2
Corwin's Notes
NGC 7045 is a triple star (I had called it a "double" earlier, but it is
clearly triple in the DSS2 and SDSS images). JH says of it "eF; field feebly
illuminated by moon, but I remained satisfied of its reality." He has only
this single observation of it in Sweep 79. His position is only 30 arcsec
north of the triplet, so the identification is pretty certain. There is
another star about 12 arcseconds west of the line of three that may have
added to the illusion of nebulosity here.
Spitaler first identified the object as a double; the southern two stars were
probably blended in his eyepiece. Dreyer noted in the NGC that d'A failed to
find the object on two nights. The stars are either too faint for his
telescope, or he dismissed them as being obviously stellar.
A curiosity: Bigourdan has six observations of the asterism on two different
nights, and apparently thought it nebulous on both nights. He used it as the
comparison object for his estimated positions for IC 5097 and IC 5098 (both of
which see).