NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 19:18:24.9
Declination: -1:35:45
Constellation: AQL
Visual Magnitude: 12.3
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1825
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: eS, stellar
Sub-type: PN
Corwin's Notes
NGC 6785 = NGC 6778. JH's description reads "An eS stellar neb = a * 15m; it
is 2/3 of a diam of field (= 10') from a double star which it follows, to S.
Pos from the star = 240 deg +-. The RA is excessively loose." This fits
N6778 if the phrase "which it follows" is changed to "which follows it."
Then, the position angle agrees as well. This means, however, that not only
is the RA "excessively loose," but that there is 30 arcmin error in JH's Dec
as well.
Bigourdan's correction to the RA quoted in the IC2 Notes applies to a random
clump of stars at JH's original (incorrect) Declination. These are clearly
not NGC 6785.
Steve's Notes
NGC 6785
See observing notes for NGC 6778.