NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 17:47:5.5
Declination: +57:18:5
Constellation: DRA
Visual Magnitude: 14.5

Historic Information

Discoverer: Swift L.
Year of discovery: 1886
Discovery aperture: 16.0


Summary description: eF, pS, R, n of 3, 3 st nr
Sub-type: Sbc

Corwin's Notes

===== NGC 6474. Bigourdan switched his comparison star with that for IC 4668, which see. Once that is sorted out, the identity of I4668 becomes clear, and Bigourdan's position for N6474 falls within a few arcsec of the galaxy's nucleus. Also see NGC 6473 for yet another story.

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 6474 17.5" (7/19/90): very faint, small, slightly elongated 3:2 WSW-ENE, small bright core.