NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 11:2:59.7
Declination: -16:17:19
Constellation: CRT
Visual Magnitude: 12.4
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1836
Discovery aperture: 18.3
Summary description: pF, S, R, glbM, * 14 nr
Sub-type: Sb
Corwin's Notes
NGC 3505 is perhaps a reobservation of NGC 3508 (which see). Even though JH's
position is over 3/4 deg off in Dec, his description fits very well, including
the "star 14 near." JH found it during his stay at the Cape. The large
position error is bothersome, but there is nothing else within several degrees
that matches the description.
I checked the sweep and found that JH's nebula was directly preceded by the
star HD 95234 (the offsets are 3m 26s in RA and 4arcmin 50arcsec in Dec).
These give a position for the nebula almost exactly that of NGC 3508, so given
the matching description "pF, R, S, glbM, has * 14 v near", the identification
is secure. I have still not yet been able to reproduce JH's reduction, so do
not know the source of his error. Nevertheless, I'm confident that N3505 is
indeed identical to N3508, so have removed the colons in the position table.
Note, too, that the galaxy is also IC 2622 (which see) found by Lewis Swift.
Steve's Notes
NGC 3505
See observing notes for NGC 3508.