NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 6:32:41.2
Declination: +10:9:24
Constellation: MON
Visual Magnitude:
Historic Information
Discoverer: Herschel W.
Year of discovery: 1784
Discovery aperture: 18.7
Summary description: pL, com, mbN sf alm *, * 7ยท8 nf
Sub-type: RN
Corwin's Notes
NGC 2245 is not identical to IC 447, in spite of what Barnard has to say in
the caption to Plate 28 of Vol. 11 of the Lick Publications. He has
misidentified IC 447 as NGC 2245; the NGC object is northeast of the larger
more diffuse IC 447 at 41 mm from the right edge and 87 mm from the top of the
plate. For comparison, I measure IC 447 to be at 31 mm and 94 mm (Barnard has
30 and 94). He does identify IC 446 correctly.
See IC 446 = IC 2167 and IC 447 = IC 2169 for stories of their own.
Also see NGC 2247 for a possible case of confusion in LdR's observations.
Steve's Notes
NGC 2245
17.5" (1/19/91): bright, fairly large, about 3' diameter, elongated SW-NE. Fans out to the southwest from a fairly bright mag 11 star at the northeast end. Fades smoothly into background. Located 2' WSW of mag 8.0 SAO 95816. Reflection nebula NGC 2247 lies 12' NNE.