NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort

(This is a very very beta version)



Basic Information

Location and Magnitude

Right Ascension: 5:44:19.2
Declination: -66:55:4
Constellation: DOR
Visual Magnitude: 12.2

Historic Information

Discoverer: Herschel J.
Year of discovery: 1837
Discovery aperture: 18.3


Summary description: F, pS, R, gbM
Sub-type: OCL

Steve's Notes

===== NGC 2105 30" (10/13/15 - OzSky): at 394x; very bright, large, irregular, mottled, partially resolved, 50"x30" E-W. Slightly brighter stars are at the east and west end, and several additional mag 16 stars are resolved. A mag 11.5 star is 2' SE and cluster H-S 408 was picked up 5.5' SE. It appeared as a moderately to fairly bright glow, elongated NW-SE, 0.6'x0.2', mottled but unresolved. The mag 11.5 star is roughly midway between H-S 408 and NGC 2105. The HII complex LHa 120-N74 lies 15' SSE (western part) and 20' SE (eastern part). LHa 120-N74 (west): at 152x + NPB filter; excellent HII region! Bright, very large, elongated E-W, very irregular shape, ~7'x4', the main section tapers on the eastern end and spreads out on the western end. Numerous mag 14 stars are involved as well as mag 10.2 HD 270111 on the south side. LHa 120-N74 (East) lies ~9' ESE, with the two regions spanning nearly 15' E-W. LHa 120-N74 (east): at 152x + NPB filter; bright, very large nebulous region. The main piece is oval 3:2 E-W, ~2'x1.4' and brighter along the rim. A filament is attached on the south side extending to the southeast! Unfiltered a number of stars are involved with the nebulosity. A mag 11.2 star is roughly 3' S. LHa 120-N74 W is ~9' W. Although this is very likely part of the same complex, the two sections did not appear connected.