NGC/IC Project Restoration Effort
(This is a very very beta version)

Basic Information
Location and Magnitude
Right Ascension: 2:47:43.5
Declination: +13:15:20
Constellation: ARI
Visual Magnitude: 14.4
Historic Information
Discoverer: Marth
Year of discovery: 1863
Discovery aperture: 48.0
Summary description: vF
Sub-type: C
Corwin's Notes
NGC 1109 (= IC 1846?), 1111, 1112, 1113, 1115, 1116, 1117, and 1127. Of these
eight nebulae, all found on a single night in 1863 by Albert Marth with
William Lassell's 48-inch reflector, only three -- N1115, 16, and 27 -- can be
readily identified. All but one of the others can be force-fit to galaxies in
area, but only by changing RA differences from galaxy to galaxy. The
declinations are pretty good, assuming that the RA differences noted below are
in fact leading us to the correct objects.
All we have here to help decypher the field are Marth's positions -- five of
them clearly wrong -- and descriptions -- all of them sparce. Here are my
tentative conclusions, with Marth's data on the first line (my comments follow
in parentheses), and the modern positions (for J2000.0) on the second:
NGC RA (2000.0) Dec Description and comments
1109 02 49 39 +13 15.1 vF (Marth's RA 2.0 min off?)
02 47 43.6 +13 15 19 = IC 1846 = UGC 2265 = CGCG 440-008
1111 02 49 43 +13 14.0 F, vS, stell (Marth's RA 1.0 min off?)
02 48 39.4 +13 15 34 = IC 1850. Faint comp 0.4 arcmin s.
1112 02 50 00 +13 13.0 F, pS (Marth's RA 1.0 min off?)
02 49 00.4 +13 13 26 = IC 1852 = UGC 2293 = CGCG 440-015
1113 02 50 08 +13 18.0 vF (Marth's position on * 10).
02 50 05.1 +13 19 39 = * 15.
1115 02 50 25 +13 15.0 vF
02 50 25.4 +13 15 58 = CGCG 440-020
1116 02 50 35 +13 19.9 vF
02 50 35.7 +13 20 06 = UGC 2326 = CGCG 440-021
1117 02 50 43 +13 09.9 Close to a small * (RA 30 sec off? Is
the comp 0.4 arcmin n the "small *"?)
This may also be = IC 1855 (which see).
02 51 13.1 +13 11 07 = CGCG 440-022s = UGC 2337s
1127 02 52 51 +13 14.6 vF
02 52 51.9 +13 15 23 = CGCG 440-024 = UGC 2356
As I implied, the RA differences strike me as rather ad hoc if I have the
correct objects, so these are tentative conclusions.
Javelle went over this field in January 1896; there is at least one problem
with his observations, too, perhaps more. See IC 1855 for that story.
Steve's Notes
NGC 1109
17.5" (1/9/99): faint, small, round, 25" diameter, weak concentration, very faint stellar nucleus with direct vision. Situated 2.5' ENE of a mag 11.5 star. The NGC identification of this galaxy is very uncertain due to poor positions in the group by Marth and UGC, MCG and CGCG identify this galaxy as IC 1846.