Discoverer's Published Papers

(or as many of them as we've been able to find and scan)

The historical record was, and continues to be, the starting point for finding the "missing" NGC and IC objects.  In a majority of the cases it is what Dreyer used to compile the NGC and IC.  In some instances, the astronomers communicated their discoveries directly to Dreyer, but at some point in time they were published to the astronomical community, and it is a rich resource of original discovery information for the student and researcher.

The following is a list of available (not all of them are listed here yet) historical documents used by the Project, and are made accessible here so that other researchers may also have the use of them as well.  They come directly from six major sources, which in turn, come indirectly from a variety of different sources, as shown in the next segments below.

It should be noted that most of these scanned and formatted .PDF documents are due to the generosity of Yann Pothier (a serious student and researcher of the NGC and IC), who offered them to me for my collection and use, and so with his permission, I pass them on to you, the students and researchers of the NGC and IC.  In some cases they are duplicates of documents I already acquired from Dr. Harold G. Corwin, Jr., but not having the time yet to scan them all, and put them into .PDF format, I offer these to whoever wants to use them.  I've scanned some of Dr. Corwin's documents, and they are listed below where they fill any holes that Yann had in his document list.  The other advantage of Yann's documents is that they are very clean and crisp scans of the original documents done by a number of on-line sources as listed below.  Most of Dr. Corwin's unscanned documents I possess have Dr. Corwin's, and in some cases, my notes penciled in the margins, and hence would have been scanned in that fashion as well, thus possibly confusing the researcher.  Malcolm Thomson studied the existing document list and discovered that he had possession of several key documents which would fill some very large holes.  Malcolm scanned them as individual pages (.JPG image files) and put them all on a CD-ROM, which he mailed to me so that I could format them as .PDF files. I, and several other Project members, have documents which fill some further holes in the list, but also have not been scanned and turned into .PDF files yet, so this list will grow in time.  In any event, I hope these pieces of the historical record are of value to all who use them. - Robert E. Erdmann

Direct Sources:

The major sources for these documents are Yann Pothier, who supplied 374 each .PDF documents to the Project, Harold Corwin, who supplied documents in hard copy form, allowing me to scan them into a computer and then turn them into .PDF format files, Malcolm Thomson who scanned much needed documents and sending the .JPG scans to me on a CD-ROM, myself directly downloading one or more documents in .PDF format from the ADS Historical Scans web site (See below), Glen Cozens, who scanned Dunlop's catalogue and sent it to me on CD-ROM, and me scanning publications from my own personal collection.  Each document will be denoted with the following, to indicate the direct source of them relative to The NGC/IC Project.

[1] = Yan Pothier supplied as a .PDF file (See indirect sources below)
[2] = Harold Corwin supplied as hard copy, but scanned and formatted as .PDF file by Bob Erdmann.
[3] = Bob Erdmann supplied as a .PDF downloaded from ADS Historical Scans web site (See below)
[4] = Glen Cozens (Australia) supplied as a scanned document, but formatted as a .PDF file by Bob Erdmann
[5] = Malcolm Thomson supplied as .JPG scanned images, formatted as .PDF by Bob Erdmann.
[6] = Bob Erdmann scanned and formatted into .PDF from personal library

Indirect Sources:

Indirectly, the sources for the files supplied by Yann Pothier are as follows:

1. The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstract Service hosted at
with mirrors located at:

2. ADS Historical scans webs site currently hosted at
3. Bibliothèque Nationale de France hosted at

Explanation of Publication Names:

The naming conventions for the publications, as shown below, are fairly straight forward.  The first four characters are, in most cases, the year of publication. e.g. 1835AN12-281-273_HerschelJ.pdf was published in 1835.  The next series of letters denotes the name of the publication the paper appeared in. Some examples are:

AB = Astronomische Beobachtungen
AJ = Astronomical Journal
AN = Astronomische Nachrichten
AnHar = Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College
ApJ = Astrophysical Journal
MNRAS = Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
PTRS = Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
PTRAS = Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Astronomical Society
CRHAS = Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires de l'Académie des Sciences
TRIA = Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy
VeHei = Veroeffentlichungen der Badischen Sternwarte zu Heidelberg

In the example above (1835AN12-281-273_HerschelJ.pdf), the paper appeared in Astronomische Nachrichten #12, paper number 281, with a starting page number of 273.  There are, of course, variations and exceptions on this theme, but the above explanation should suffice for most of the papers listed below.

Ordered by Author's Name - Then Ordered Chronologically by Year
AuthorYearPublication Size (bytes)Source
Abbott18681868MNRAS28-200A_Abbott.pdf59,059[ 1 ]
18701870MNRAS31-218_Abbott.pdf302,335[ 1 ]
Link(s)Abbott's biography
A 2nd Abbott biography
A 3rd Abbott biography (short)
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Airy's biography
Aitken19001900AN153-3667_Aitken.pdf117,502[ 1 ]
Link(s)Aitken's biography
Another Aitken biography
Archenhold18921892AN129-3082-153_Ar_51100.pdf594,280[ 1 ]
Austin18881888AnHar13-62_Austin.pdf4,144,052[ 1 ]
19081908AnHar60-plates_Austin.pdf1,670,651[ 1 ]
Link(s)Austin reference
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
Link(s)Auwers's biography
Bailey19081908AnHar60-8-199_Bailey.pdf4,561,411[ 1 ]
Link(s)Bailey's biography
Barnard18831883AN104-2490-285_Barnard.pdf89,923[ 1 ]
18841884AN108-2588-369_Barnard.pdf295,744[ 1 ]
1884Obs7-269_Barnard.pdf98,014[ 1 ]
18851885AN110-2624-125_Barnard.pdf147,431[ 1 ]
1885AN112-2688_Barnar_5110B.pdf206,508[ 1 ]
18861886AN115-2755-315_Barnard.pdf225,996[ 1 ]
1886AN115-2756-323_Barnard.pdf118,347[ 1 ]
18901890AN123-2930-19_Bar_6F751.pdf122,834[ 1 ]
1890AN125-2998-379_Barnard.pdf235,529[ 1 ]
18911891AN126-3004-53_Barnard.pdf288,353[ 1 ]
1891AN126-3017-277_Barnard.pdf131,585[ 1 ]
1891AN126-3018-293_Barnard.pdf138,012[ 1 ]
1891AN127-3038-231_Barnard.pdf159,424[ 1 ]
18921892AJ11-261-168_Barnard.pdf109,815[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3097-7_Barnard.pdf187,648[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3101-77_Barnard.pdf341,469[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3110-223_Barnard.pdf150,470[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3111-233_Barnard.pdf141,447[ 1 ]
18931893AN134-3200-129_Barnard.pdf139,705[ 1 ]
18941894AN136-3253-193_Barnard.pdf187,694[ 1 ]
18951895AN138-3301-211_Barnard.pdf368,580[ 1 ]
1895ApJ2-350_Barnard-N1499.pdf165,891[ 1 ]
1895MNRAS55-442_Barnard.pdf1,067,634[ 1 ]
1895MNRAS55-453_Barnard.pdf370,247[ 1 ]
18961896AN139-3315-41_Barnard.pdf166,489[ 1 ]
18971897AJ18-422-112_Barnard.pdf142,497[ 1 ]
19011901ApJ14-151a7_Barnard.pdf437,320[ 1 ]
19021902MNRAS62-405_Barna_84F28.pdf993,968[ 1 ]
19031903ApJ17-77_Barnard.pdf313,592[ 1 ]
19061906AN173-4136-117+12_6CB78.pdf474,547[ 1 ]
1906AN172-4112-123_Barnard.pdf130,237[ 1 ]
19071907ApJ25-218a25_Barnard.pdf98,396[ 1 ]
1907ApJ25-281_Barnard.pdf140,427[ 1 ]
1907ApJ25-plates_Barnard.pdf128,264[ 1 ]
19081908AN177-4239-231_Barnard.pdf545,352[ 1 ]
Link(s)Barnard's biography & references
A 2nd Barnard biography
Baxendell18801880MNRAS41-48_Baxendell.pdf90,450[ 1 ]
Link(s)Baxendell's Nebula
Baxendell's biography
Bellamy19041904MNRAS64-662_Bellamy.pdf572,033[ 1 ]
Link(s)Bellamy reference
[ 1 ]
Bidschof18981898AN147-3520-257_Bidschof.pdf1,601,817[ 1 ]
Bigourdan18841884AnPOb36_Bigourdan.pdf11,191,587[ 1 ]
18871887CRHAS105-1116_Bigourdan.pdf213,445[ 1 ]
1887CRHAS105-926_Bigourdan.pdf222,201[ 1 ]
18881888AnPOb40_Bigourdan.pdf11,231,190[ 1 ]
18901890AnPOb42_Bigourdan.pdf26,339,726[ 1 ]
18911891AnPOb43_Bigourdan.pdf12,638,902[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-471_Bigourdan.pdf214,724[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-647_Bigourdan.pdf159,086[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-703_Bigourdan.pdf121,981[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-848_Bigourdan.pdf113,030[ 1 ]
18921892AnPOb44_Bigourdan.pdf13,374,918[ 1 ]
18931893AnPOb45_Bigourdan.pdf13,887,583[ 1 ]
18961896CRHAS123-1243_Bigourdan.pdf173,205[ 1 ]
18971897AnPOb46_Bigourdan.pdf11,969,713[ 1 ]
1897CRHAS124-133_Bigourdan.pdf123,420[ 1 ]
1897CRHAS124-65_Bigourdan.pdf129,482[ 1 ]
18981898AnPOb47_Bigourdan.pdf14,371,639[ 1 ]
18991899AnPOb48_Bigourdan.pdf20,655,388[ 1 ]
19001900AnPOb49_Bigourdan.pdf22,220,201[ 1 ]
19011901AnPOb50_Bigourdan.pdf16,833,874[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS132-1094_Bigourdan.pdf203,035[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS132-1465_Bigourdan.pdf109,037[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS133-206_Bigourdan.pdf112,711[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS133-26_Bigourdan.pdf144,407[ 1 ]
19021902AnPOb51_Bigourdan.pdf15,459,509[ 1 ]
19031903AnPOb52_Bigourdan.pdf7,928,358[ 1 ]
19041904AnPOb53_Bigourdan.pdf9,870,337[ 1 ]
19051905AnPOb54_Bigourdan.pdf18,958,649[ 1 ]
19061906AnPOb55_Bigourdan.pdf27,582,635[ 1 ]
19071907AnPOb56_Bigourdan_intro.pdf47,099,426[ 1 ]
19161916CRHAS-489_Cysat-B_84857.pdf82,009[ 1 ]
Link(s)Bigourdan's biography
Another Bigourdan biography
Block18801880AN96-2287-109_Block.pdf295,859[ 1 ]
Bond18641864AN61-1453-193_Bon_8663E.pdf491,306[ 1 ]
Link(s)Bond's biography
Borelly18721872AN79-1885-205_Borelly.pdf211,149[ 1 ]
1872MNRAS32-248_Borelly.pdf66,350[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Brorsen's biography
Comet Brorsen-Metcalf
Burnham18731873MNRAS34-59_Burnham.pdf794,315[ 1 ]
18831883AN106-2524-63_Bur_5113B.pdf146,720[ 1 ]
18901890AN123-2929-1_Burnham.pdf1,836,807[ 1 ]
1890AN123-2930a_Burnham.pdf1,836,819[ 1 ]
18911891AN127-3048_Burnham.pdf3,736,360[ 1 ]
18941894PLicO2-153a156_Burnham.pdf181,698[ 1 ]
1894PLicO2-157a167_Burnham.pdf1,327,130[ 1 ]
1894PLicO2-168a181_Burnham.pdf2,456,796[ 1 ]
19001900PYerO1-296_Burnham.pdf81,965[ 1 ]
Link(s)Burnham's biography
Burnham's biography (Short)
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Cacciatore's biography
Cacciatore's Discovery of NGC 6541
Carlson19401940AJ91-350_CarlsonD.pdf6,507,617[ 5 ]
Chacornac18631863CRHAS56-637_Chacornac.pdf163,424[ 1 ]
Link(s)A short Chacornac biography
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Cheseaux's biography
Cheseaux's List of Nebulæ
Coddington18981898PASP10-123_Coddington.pdf80,840[ 1 ]
Link(s)A Coddington reference/biography (short)
Common17461880Copernicus1-50_Common.pdf389,520[ 5 ]
Link(s)Common's biography
Copeland18771877AN90-2158-351_Cop_84CEB.pdf158,088[ 1 ]
18841884MNRAS45-90_Copeland.pdf167,009[ 1 ]
Link(s)Copeland's biography
Copeland's Septet
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
18651865AN63-1500-175_D'Arrest.pdf360,310[ 1 ]
1865AN63-1500-177_D'Arrest.pdf2,469,982[ 2 ]
1865AN65-1537-1_D'Arrest.pdf640,586[ 1 ]
18671867AN68-1624-251_D'Arrest.pdf572,796[ 1 ]
18681868AN70-1678-337_D'Arrest.pdf743,948[ 1 ]
1868AN71-1689-143_D'Arrest.pdf164,038[ 1 ]
Link(s)D'Arrest's biography
Comet D'Arrext
Additional info about D'Arrest
De Mairan17311731HARS-259_Mairan.pdf510,526
[ 1 ]
1731HARS-plate_Mairan.pdf82,590[ 1 ]
Link(s)De Mairan's biography
De Mairan's Nebulæ Descriptions
Denning18901890MNRAS51-96_Denning.pdf70,988[ 1 ]
1890Obs13-316_Denning.pdf219,027[ 1 ]
18911891Obs14-196_Denning.pdf202,859[ 1 ]
1891Obs14-88_Denning.pdf308,774[ 1 ]
18971897Obs20-205_Denning.pdf203,080[ 1 ]
19181918Obs41-140_Denning.pdf82,301[ 1 ]
Link(s)Denning's biography
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Derham's biography
Derham's Catalog
1879TRIA-381_Dreyer.pdf (General Catalogue Supplement)15,665,313
[ 2 ]
18871887MNRAS47_Dreyer.pdf949,323[ 1 ]
1888The New General Catalogue65,856,253[ 6 ]
IC I and IC II37,944,990[ 6 ]
19121912MNRAS73_Dreyer_co_5115A.pdf265,043[ 1 ]
Link(s)Dreyer's biography
A 2nd Dreyer biography
Dunlop18281828PTRS-113_Dunlop.pdf ( Dunlop 1 thru Dunlop 629 )12,996,844[ 4 ]
Link(s)Dunlop's biography
Ellery18661866RAOMO-1_Ellery.pdf7,219,999[ 3 ]
Engelhardt18851885CDNDS-12_Engelhardt.pdf4,939,653[ 5 ]
[ 5 ]
18831883AN104-2485_Engelmann.pdf1,236,707[ 1 ]
Esmiol19161916TOMar0004_Esmiol-all.pdf8,358,816[ 1 ]
Espin18941894MNRAS54-327_Espin.pdf176,796[ 1 ]
19001900AN152-3633-141_Espin.pdf584,276[ 1 ]
19071907MNRAS67-360_Espin.pdf62,459[ 1 ]
Finlay18981898MNRAS58-329_Finla_7D8F5.pdf77,090[ 1 ]
Flamsteed17111711_flamsteed1.pdf3,476,279[ 1 ]
Link(s)Flamsteed's biography
Fleming18951895AN137-3269-71_Fleming.pdf390,742[ 1 ]
1895AN138-3299-175_Fleming.pdf469,939[ 1 ]
Gale18961896AN143-3426-293_Ga_7889B.pdf125,896[ 1 ]
Ginzel18881888AN118-2829-321_Ginzel.pdf1,979,407[ 1 ]
Hagen19301930MNRAS90_Hagen_N7088.pdf309,893[ 1 ]
Hall18811881AN100-2394-173_Hall.pdf291,771[ 1 ]
Link(s)Hall's biography (Short)
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Halley's biography
Halley's Discoveries
Harrington18831883AN104-2479-111_Ha_80419.pdf111,864[ 1 ]
18861886AJ7-164-156_Harri_51171.pdf284,903[ 1 ]
Link(s)Harrington's biography
Hartwig18831883AN105-2507-173_Hartwig.pdf178,784[ 1 ]
18851885AN112-2688-407_Hartwig.pdf162,519[ 1 ]
18981898AN148-3529-11_Hartwig.pdf427,305[ 1 ]
Link(s)Hartwig's biography (short)
Henry18851885AN113-2702-239_Henry.pdf162,888[ 1 ]
18861886MNRAS46-98_Henry.pdf62,817[ 1 ]
Link(s)The Henry's biography (short)
Prosper Henry's Obit
Paul Henry's Obit
Herschel, J.18331833PTRS-359_JHerschelSloughObs.pdf ( h 1 thru h 2307 )21,987,410
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
18471847AO-1_JHerschelCapeObs.pdf ( h 2308 thru h 4015 )41,266,417
[ 2 ]
18641864PTRS-1_JHerschel_GC.pdf (The General Catalogue)68,769,418
[ 2 ]
18681868MNRAS28-8-225_HerschelJ.pdf438,187[ 1 ]
1868MNRAS28-p1_HerschelJ.pdf31,801[ 1 ]
Link(s)John Herschel's biography
Additional J. Herschel Info
And some information about the Herschel family
Herschel, W.17861786PTRAS76-457_Hers_264B40.pdf (1st 1000 New Nebulæ)6,626,580
[ 1 ]
17891789PTRAS79-212_Hers_267509.pdf (2nd 1000 New Nebulæ)15,137,804
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
18021802PTRAS-199_HerschelW.pdf (500 New Nebulæ)14,974,788
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
Link(s)William Herschel's biography
William Herschel's catalog of Deep Sky objects
Additional Information about W. Herschel
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
18531853AN35-839-371_Hind.pdf191,015[ 1 ]
Link(s)Hind's biography
Hogg19471947JRASC41-69_Hogg-Halley.pdf259,188[ 1 ]
Holden18881888MNRAS48-388_Holden.pdf427,850[ 1 ]
Link(s)Holden's biography
Hough18811881MNRAS41-410_Hough.pdf327,261[ 1 ]
Link(s)Hough's biography
Howe18981898MNRAS58-356_Howe.pdf498,730[ 1 ]
1898MNRAS58-515_Howe.pdf740,923[ 1 ]
1898MNRAS58-523_Howe.pdf137,703[ 1 ]
18991899MNRAS60-129_Howe.pdf1,037,533[ 1 ]
1899MNRAS60-130_Howe.pdf963,808[ 1 ]
19001900MNRAS60-611_Howe.pdf153,980[ 1 ]
1900MNRAS61-29_Howe.pdf1,940,994[ 1 ]
Link(s)A Howe reference
Innes18991899MNRAS59-339_Innes.pdf56,771[ 1 ]
19021902MNRAS62-468_Innes_Lunt.pdf186,271[ 1 ]
Link(s)An Innes reference
Innes IC Discoveries
Keeler18951895PASP7-279_Keeler.pdf328,754[ 1 ]
18981898ApJ8-113_Keeler.pdf73,235[ 1 ]
18991899MNRAS59-537_Keeler.pdf158,830[ 1 ]
1899PASP11-70_Keeler.pdf714,433[ 1 ]
19081908PLicO8-11_Keeler.pdf5,834,829[ 1 ]
Link(s)Keeler's biography (short)
2nd Keeler biography
Key18681868MNRAS28-154_Key.pdf252,815[ 1 ]
Link(s)Key's biography
Kobold18931893AN3184-271_Kobold.pdf1,113,638[ 5 ]
1893VAG-153_Kobold.pdf1,176,088[ 5 ]
18941894AN136-3241-11_Kobold.pdf225,131[ 1 ]
19091909SA3-28_Kobold.pdf1,305,782[ 5 ]
Link(s)Kobold reference
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Lacaille's biography
Lacaille's Catalog Of The Southern Sky
Lamont18691869AnMun17b_Lamont.pdf290,728[ 1 ]
Link(s)Lamont's biography
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
18651865AN63-1512A-24_Lassell.pdf747,655[ 1 ]
18661866MemRAS36-1a51_Lassell.pdf2,940,310[ 1 ]
Link(s)Lassell's biography
Additional Information about Lassell
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Laugier's biography
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Legentil's biography and Object Discovery Notes
LeSueur18691869PRSL-245_LeSueur.pdf326,326[ 1 ]
18701870PRSL-18_LeSueur.pdf164,350[ 1 ]
Lohse18871887MNRAS47-494_Lohse.pdf146,927[ 1 ]
Link(s)Lohse reference
Lunt19021902MNRAS62-468_Lunt.pdf186,271[ 1 ]
Link(s)Lunt's IC discoveries
Marth18661866Malta-1_Marth.pdf ( m 1 thru m 600 )10,099,063[ 2 ]
Messier17711771HARS-435_Messier.pdf1,722,804[ 1 ]
17871787DNE-238_Messier.pdf (M 1 to M 103 )3,488,260[ 6 ]
Link(s)Messier's biography
Messier's Original Catalog
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Wilhelm Olber's biography
Palisa18831883AN105-2520-369_Palisa.pdf1,251,378[ 1 ]
1883AN106-2544-381_Palisa.pdf121,371[ 1 ]
18861886AN114-2732-337_Palisa.pdf1,376,855[ 1 ]
18871887AN116-2782-337_Palisa.pdf1,257,572[ 1 ]
18941894AN135-3235-341_Palisa.pdf120,178[ 1 ]
18971897AN143-3412-49_Palisa.pdf490,175[ 1 ]
19001900AN152-3634-145_Palisa.pdf563,755[ 1 ]
Link(s)Palisa's biography
A 2nd Palisa biography
Pechule18771877AN90-2146-153_Pechule.pdf424,718[ 1 ]
18831883AN103-2470-337_Pechule.pdf537,289[ 1 ]
18891889AN122-2911-137_Pechule.pdf597,362[ 1 ]
18941894AN136-3259-305_Pechule.pdf1,240,837[ 1 ]
Link(s)Wilhelm Olber's biography
Peters18811881Cop1-51_Peters.pdf1,687,160[ 5 ]
18821881Cop2-54_Peters.pdf937,971[ 5 ]
Link(s)Peters's biography
A 2nd Peters's biography
Pickering18811881Obs4-81_Pickering.pdf301,098[ 1 ]
18821882AnHar13-62_Picker_511A1.pdf4,144,055[ 1 ]
1882AN103-2454-95_Pickering.pdf139,869[ 1 ]
1882AN103-2459-165_Pi_511D9.pdf141,721[ 1 ]
1882Obs5-26_Pickering.pdf331,787[ 1 ]
1882Obs5-294_Pickering.pdf181,359[ 1 ]
1882Obs5-342_Pickering.pdf178,471[ 1 ]
18831883AN105-2517-335_Pi_511DB.pdf118,424[ 1 ]
18901890AnHar18-6-113_Pickering.pdf628,356[ 1 ]
18911891AN128-3049_Picker_7251A.pdf342,611[ 1 ]
18941894AN135-3227-195_Pi_72612.pdf269,068[ 1 ]
18971897AnHar26-167_Pickering.pdf2,319,701[ 1 ]
18991899ApJ9-173_Pickering.pdf127,740[ 1 ]
19001900AnHar33-135_Pickering.pdf1,852,284[ 1 ]
19081908AnHar60-147a194_P_85A5E.pdf5,549,755[ 1 ]
Link(s)Pickering's biography
A 2nd Pickering's biography
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Pigott's biography
Pigott's Discovery of M 64
Pihl18671867MNRAS28-246_Pihl.pdf695,190[ 1 ]
Porter18911891PCinO11_Porter_plates.pdf266,436[ 1 ]
1891PCinO11-1_Porter.pdf148,614[ 1 ]
1891PCinO11-5_Porter.pdf2,169,028[ 1 ]
Reinmuth19151915VeHei7-141_Reinmuth.pdf4,386,906[ 1 ]
19161916VeHei7-175_Reinmuth.pdf1,114,326[ 1 ]
Link(s)Reinmuth's biography
Roberts18861886MNRAS47-24_Roberts.pdf93,094[ 1 ]
18871887MNRAS47-89_Roberts.pdf268,403[ 1 ]
1887MNRAS48-29_Roberts.pdf372,941[ 1 ]
18881888MNRAS49-65_Roberts.pdf101,507[ 1 ]
18891889MNRAS49-362_Roberts.pdf177,231[ 1 ]
1889MNRAS49-389_Roberts.pdf168,697[ 1 ]
18901890MNRAS50-315_Roberts.pdf101,146[ 1 ]
18911891MNRAS51-116_Roberts.pdf244,021[ 1 ]
1891MNRAS51-440_Roberts.pdf124,658[ 1 ]
18931893MNRAS53-124_Roberts.pdf187,489[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS53-331_Roberts.pdf86,205[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS53-357_Roberts.pdf148,362[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS53-443_Roberts.pdf247,251[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS54-92_Roberts.pdf276,600[ 1 ]
18941894MNRAS54-136_Roberts.pdf178,446[ 1 ]
1894MNRAS54-370_Roberts.pdf192,635[ 1 ]
18951895MNRAS55-223_Roberts.pdf233,331[ 1 ]
1895MNRAS56-32_Roberts.pdf183,658[ 1 ]
18961896MNRAS56-379_Roberts.pdf251,320[ 1 ]
18971897AN143-3429-341_Roberts.pdf342,357[ 1 ]
1897Obs20-244_Roberts.pdf281,731[ 1 ]
18981898AN147-3509-87_Roberts.pdf162,839[ 1 ]
19021902MNRAS63-26_Roberts.pdf1,141,129[ 1 ]
19031903AN160-3836-337_Roberts.pdf618,778[ 1 ]
1903AN161-3857-301_Roberts.pdf208,833[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63-301a3_Roberts.pdf396,011[ 1 ]
Link(s)Roberts's biography
A 2nd biography about Roberts
A 3rd biography about Roberts
Rosse, 3rd Earl of
(W. Parsons)
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 5 ]
18671867PTRAS157-190_Rosse.pdf16,892,061[ 1 ]
Link(s)W. Parsons's biography
A 2nd biography about W. Parsons
W. Parsons's Astronomical Discoveries
Birr Castle
Rosse, 4th Earl of
(L. Parsons)
18681868PTRAS158-57_Oxmantown.pdf1,708,770[ 1 ]
Link(s)L. Parsons's biography
Rumker18651865AN63-1508-305_Rumker.pdf785,183[ 1 ]
18661866AN64-1531-289_Rumker.pdf547,686[ 1 ]
1866AN66-1566-81_Rumker.pdf717,371[ 1 ]
1866AN67-1599-225_Rumker.pdf731,034[ 1 ]
18671867AN68-1631-355_Rumker.pdf648,589[ 1 ]
Link(s)Rümker's biography (German)
Safford18871887ARBDC_Safford.pdf2,766,568[ 5 ]
Link(s)Safford's biography
[ 1 ]
18651865AN65-1553-261_Sch_510D6.pdf596,901[ 1 ]
18681868AN70-1672-245_Sch_8EA7E.pdf559,890[ 1 ]
1868AN70-1678-343_Sch_51229.pdf817,571[ 1 ]
18761876AN88-2097-137_Sch_51223.pdf272,047[ 1 ]
Link(s)Schmidt's biography
More biographical information about Schmidt
Schultz18651865AN65-1541-65_Schultz.pdf1,143,728[ 1 ]
1865AN65-1555-297_Schultz.pdf357,230[ 1 ]
18661866AN67-1585_Schultz_5122E.pdf566,970[ 1 ]
18751875MNRAS35-135_Schultz.pdf986,593[ 1 ]
Link(s)Schultz's biography (German)
Schwassmann19021902PAIKH1-171_Schwassmann.pdf13,740,479[ 1 ]
1902PAIKH1-89_Schwassmann.pdf2,368,478[ 1 ]
Link(s)Schwassmann's biography/reference
[ 1 ]
18661866AN66-1571-11_Secchi.pdf144,121[ 1, 5 ]
18671867AReg5-40_Secchi.pdf124,383[ 1 ]
Link(s)Secchi's biography
Spitaler18871887AN117-2800-261_Spitaler.pdf188,634[ 1 ]
18901890AN123-2932-59_Spitaler.pdf124,927[ 1 ]
1890AN125-2992-257_Spitaler.pdf1,079,337[ 1 ]
1890AN125-2993-281_Spitaler.pdf119,125[ 1 ]
18911891AN127-3030-91_Spitaler.pdf113,538[ 1 ]
18931893AN132-3167-369_Spitaler.pdf8,297,572[ 5 ]
Stephan18701870AN76-1810-159_Stephan.pdf (St I )116,140[ 1 ]
18711871AN78-1867-295_Stephan.pdf ( St II )260,841[ 1 ]
1871MNRAS32-23_Stephan.pdf194,345[ 1 ]
18721872AN79-1876-61_Stephan.pdf ( St III )127,190[ 1 ]
1872CRHARS74-444_Stephan.pdf93,426[ 1 ]
18731873AN81-1939-303_Stephan.pdf ( St IV )151,691[ 1 ]
1873CRHARS76-1073_Stephan.pdf120,983[ 1 ]
1873CRHARS77-1365_Stephan.pdf70,155[ 1 ]
1873MNRAS33-433_Stephan.pdf109,127[ 1 ]
1873MNRAS34-75_Stephan.pdf107,642[ 1 ]
18741874AN83-1972-51_Stephan.pdf ( St V )256,622[ 1 ]
1874AN83-1977-137_Stephan.pdf ( St VI )108,732[ 1 ]
18761876CRHARS83-328_Stephan.pdf ( St VII )146,969[ 1 ]
18771877AN89-2126-213_Stephan.pdf243,688[ 1 ]
1877AN89-2129-263_Stephan.pdf268,858[ 1 ]
1877CRHARS84-641_Stephan.pdf99,604[ 1 ]
1877MNRAS37-334_Stephan.pdf ( St VIII )181,751[ 1 ]
1877CRHARS84-704_Stephan.pdf149,651[ 1 ]
1877MNRAS37-337_Stephan.pdf172,918[ 1 ]
18781878CRHARS87-869_Stephan.pdf ( St IX )152,121[ 1 ]
18801880CRHARS90-837_Stephan.pdf ( St X )125,603[ 1 ]
18811881AN100-2390-209_Stephan.pdf ( St XI )562,270[ 1 ]
1881CRHARS92-1128_Stephan.pdf ( St XI )67,468[ 1 ]
1881CRHARS92-1183_Stephan.pdf67,191[ 1 ]
1881CRHARS92-1260_Stephan.pdf116,331[ 1 ]
18831883AN105-2502-81_Stephan.pdf ( St XII )708,851[ 1 ]
1883CRHARS96-546_Stephan.pdf ( St XII )205,663[ 1 ]
1883CRHARS96-609_Stephan.pdf202,589[ 1 ]
18851885AN111-2661-321_Stephan.pdf ( St XIII )790,657[ 1 ]
1885CRHARS100-1043_Stephan.pdf ( St XIII )206,144[ 1 ]
1885CRHARS100-1107_Stephan.pdf215,299[ 1 ]
Link(s)Stephan's Biography
Stephan's biography (Very short)
Stone18861886AJ7-146-9_Stone.pdf ( L I )653,380[ 1 ]
1886AJ7-152-57_Stone.pdf ( L II )549,420[ 1 ]
18931893PMcCO1-175_Stone.pdf2,072,665[ 1 ]
Link(s)Stone's Biography
Stratonoff18961896AN141-3366-103_St_79818.pdf158,851[ 1 ]
Swift18851885AN112-2683-313_Swift1.pdf ( Sw I )447,081[ 1 ]
1885AN113-2707-305_Swift.pdf ( SW II )1,245,210[ 2 ]
18861886AN115-2746-153_Swift.pdf ( SW III )1,811,353[ 2 ]
1886AN115-2752-257_Swift.pdf ( SW IV )1,173,820[ 2 ]
18871887AN116-2763-33_Swift.pdf ( Sw V ) 1,196,441[ 2 ]
18981898AN147-3517-209_Swift.pdf827,750[ 1 ]
Link(s)Lewis Swift's Biography
Lewis Swift's biography (extensive)
Tempel18611861AN54-1290-285_Tempel.pdf129,682[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
18771877AN90-2159-355_Tempel.pdf545,329[ 1 ]
18781878AN93-2212-49_Tempel.pdf ( T I )1,241,390[ 1 ]
18791879AN94-2253-335_Tempel.pdf ( T II )181,652[ 1 ]
1879AN95-2269-199_Tempel.pdf320,768[ 1 ]
18801880AN96-2284-61_Tempel.pdf ( T III )365,725[ 1 ]
18811881AN98-2347-299_Tempel.pdf ( T IV )376,607[ 1 ]
18821882AN102-2439-225_Tempel.pdf ( T V )1,527,070[ 1 ]
18831883AN105-2511-235_Tempel.pdf ( T VI )333,389[ 1 ]
1883AN106-2522-27_Tempel.pdf ( T VII )406,988[ 1 ]
1883AN106-2527-107_Tempel.pdf ( T VIII )420,505[ 1 ]
18851885AN111-2660-315_Tempel.pdf ( T IX )151,230[ 1 ]
18861886AN113-2691-47_Tempel.pdf ( T X )228,083[ 1 ]
Link(s)Tempel's biography
Another biography about Tempel
Some additional information about Tempel
Todd18861886AN113-2698-153_Todd.pdf1,021,221[ 1 ]
Link(s)Todd's biography
Another biography about Todd
Trouvelot18711871HarAnn7_Trouvelo_33BD4C.pdf5,495,878[ 1 ]
Link(s)Trouvelot's biography
[ 1 ]
Link(s)Tuttle's biography
Comet Swift-Tuttle
Vogel18681868AN70-1667-161_Vogel.pdf1,052,010[ 1 ]
Link(s)Vogel's biography
Wilson18921892AA103-247_Wilson.pdf977,694[ 5 ]
18951895AJ15-358-184_Wilson.pdf153,022[ 1 ]
Link(s)Wilson reference
Winlock18761876AnHar8-p24_Winlock.pdf4,046,399[ 1 ]
Link(s)Winlock's biography
A 2nd Winlock biography
Winlock's biography (short)
Winnecke18571857AN45-1072-247_Winnecke.pdf369,974[ 1 ]
18691869AN73-1738-145_Wi_29CB17.pdf1,054,072[ 1 ]
18801880AN96-2293-201_Winnecke.pdf371,220[ 1 ]
Link(s)Winnecke's biography
Some additional information about Winnecke
M. Wolf18911891AN127-3027-39_Wolf.pdf291,570[ 1 ]
18941894AN134-3214-365_Wolf.pdf318,042[ 1 ]
1894AN135-3217-11_Wol_71E6D.pdf333,556[ 1 ]
19011901AN155-3704-127_Wolf.pdf156,177[ 1 ]
19021902PAIKH1-12_Wolf.pdf490,188[ 1 ]
19031903AN161-3847-127_Wolf.pdf176,481[ 1 ]
1903AN161-3848-129_Wolf.pdf419,909[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63-304_Wolf.pdf74,440[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63A-506_Wolf.pdf403,668[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63B-303_Wolf.pdf163,370[ 1 ]
1903PAIKH2-57_Wolf.pdf864,024[ 1 ]
1903PAIKH2-77_Wolf.pdf1,025,300[ 1 ]
1903PAIKH2-89_Wolf.pdf707,104[ 1 ]
19041904MNRAS64-838_Wolf.pdf426,856[ 1 ]
19051905AN168-4013-75_Wolf.pdf142,305[ 1 ]
1905MNRAS65-528_Wolf.pdf334,653[ 1 ]
19061906AN170-4069-211_Wolf.pdf168,901[ 1 ]
1906AN171-4082-27_Wolf.pdf148,702[ 1 ]
1906AN171-4091-169_Wolf.pdf325,659[ 1 ]
19071907AN176-4207-109_Wolf.pdf336,974[ 1 ]
1907MNRAS68-30_Wolf.pdf191,612[ 1 ]
1907PAIKH3-77_Wolf.pdf1,058,068[ 1 ]
19081908MNRAS68-626_Wolf.pdf126,753[ 1 ]
1908MNRAS69-117_Wolf.pdf102,195[ 1 ]
1908PAIKH3-3-77_Wolf.pdf1,058,080[ 1 ]
1908PAIKH3-4-87_Wolf.pdf2,428,150[ 1 ]
1908PAIKH3-8-149_Wolf.pdf1,420,371[ 1 ]
19091909AN183-4380-187_Wolf.pdf234,645[ 1 ]
19131913VeHei6-1-1_Wolf.pdf73,278[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-10-115_Wolf.pdf1,616,974[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-11-131_Wolf.pdf685,846[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-2-5_Wolf.pdf342,262[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-3-9_Wolf.pdf874,527[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-8-85_Wolf.pdf514,563[ 1 ]
19161916AN202-4833_Wolf.pdf216,389[ 1 ]
1916VeHei7-7-169_Wolf.pdf609,166[ 1 ]
Link(s)M. Wolf's biography
R. Wolf18541854AN38-895-107_Wolf.pdf161,324
[ 1 ]
Link(s)R. Wolf's biography

Ordered Chronologically by Year - Ordered Alphabetically by Author's Name Within Each Year
YearAuthorPublicationSize (bytes)Source
1711Flamsteed1711_flamsteed1.pdf3,476,279[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
1731HARS-plate_Mairan.pdf82,590[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
Herschel, W.
1786PTRAS76-457_Hers_264B40.pdf (1st 1000 New Nebulæ)6,626,580
[ 1 ]
1787DNE-238_Messier.pdf (M 1 to M 103 )3,488,260
[ 6 ]
Herschel, W.
1789PTRAS79-212_Hers_267509.pdf (2nd 1000 New Nebulæ)15,137,804
[ 1 ]
Herschel, W.
[ 1 ]
Herschel, W.
1802PTRAS-199_HerschelW.pdf (500 New Nebulæ)14,974,788
[ 1 ]
Herschel, W.1814PTRAS104-248_HerschelW.pdf8,407,019
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
1828Dunlop1828PTRS-113_Dunlop.pdf ( Dunlop 1 thru Dunlop 629 )12,996,844[ 4 ]
[ 5 ]
Herschel, J.
1833PTRS-359_JHerschelSloughObs.pdf ( h 1 thru h 2307 )21,987,410
[ 2 ]
Herschel, J.
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
Rosse, Earl of
[ 1 ]
Herschel, J.
1847AO-1_JHerschelCapeObs.pdf ( h 2308 thru h 4015 )41,266,417
[ 2 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
Rosse, Earl of
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
1853Hind1853AN35-839-371_Hind.pdf191,015[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
R. Wolf
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
1857Winnecke1857AN45-1072-247_Winnecke.pdf369,974[ 1 ]
3rd Earl of
[ 5 ]
Tempel1861AN54-1290-285_Tempel.pdf129,682[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
1863Chacornac1863CRHAS56-637_Chacornac.pdf163,424[ 1 ]
Bond1864AN61-1453-193_Bon_8663E.pdf491,306[ 1 ]
Herschel, J.
1864PTRS-1_JHerschel_GC.pdf (The General Catalogue)68,769,418
[ 2 ]
1865D'Arrest1865AN63-1500-175_D'Arrest.pdf360,310[ 1 ]
1865AN63-1500-177_D'Arrest.pdf2,469,982[ 2 ]
1865AN65-1537-1_D'Arrest.pdf640,586[ 1 ]
Lassell1865AN63-1512A-24_Lassell.pdf747,655[ 1 ]
Rumker1865AN63-1508-305_Rumker.pdf785,183[ 1 ]
Schmidt1865AN65-1553-261_Sch_510D6.pdf596,901[ 1 ]
Schultz1865AN65-1541-65_Schultz.pdf1,143,728[ 1 ]
1865AN65-1555-297_Schultz.pdf357,230[ 1 ]
1866Ellery1866RAOMO-1_Ellery.pdf7,219,999[ 3 ]
Lassell1866MemRAS36-1a51_Lassell.pdf2,940,310[ 1 ]
Marth1866Malta-1_Marth.pdf ( m 1 thru m 600 )10,099,063[ 2 ]
Rumker1866AN64-1531-289_Rumker.pdf547,686[ 1 ]
1866AN66-1566-81_Rumker.pdf717,371[ 1 ]
1866AN67-1599-225_Rumker.pdf731,034[ 1 ]
Schultz1866AN67-1585_Schultz_5122E.pdf566,970[ 1 ]
Secchi1866AN66-1571-11_Secchi.pdf144,121[ 1, 5 ]
1867D'Arrest1867AN68-1624-251_D'Arrest.pdf572,796[ 1 ]
Pihl1867MNRAS28-246_Pihl.pdf695,190[ 1 ]
Rosse, 3rd Earl of
(W. Parsons)
1867PTRAS157-190_Rosse.pdf16,892,061[ 1 ]
Rumker1867AN68-1631-355_Rumker.pdf648,589[ 1 ]
Secchi1867AReg5-40_Secchi.pdf124,383[ 1 ]
1868 Abbott1868MNRAS28-200A_Abbott.pdf59,059[ 1 ]
D'Arrest1868AN70-1678-337_D'Arrest.pdf743,948[ 1 ]
1868AN71-1689-143_D'Arrest.pdf164,038[ 1 ]
Herschel, J.1868MNRAS28-8-225_HerschelJ.pdf438,187[ 1 ]
1868MNRAS28-p1_HerschelJ.pdf31,801[ 1 ]
Key1868MNRAS28-154_Key.pdf252,815[ 1 ]
Rosse, 4th Earl of
(L. Parsons)
1868PTRAS158-57_Oxmantown.pdf1,708,770[ 1 ]
Schmidt1868AN70-1672-245_Sch_8EA7E.pdf559,890[ 1 ]
1868AN70-1678-343_Sch_51229.pdf817,571[ 1 ]
Vogel1868AN70-1667-161_Vogel.pdf1,052,010[ 1 ]
1869 Lamont1869AnMun17b_Lamont.pdf290,728[ 1 ]
LeSueur1869PRSL-245_LeSueur.pdf326,326[ 1 ]
Winnecke1869AN73-1738-145_Wi_29CB17.pdf1,054,072[ 1 ]
1870 Abbott1870MNRAS31-218_Abbott.pdf302,335[ 1 ]
LeSueur1870PRSL-18_LeSueur.pdf164,350[ 1 ]
Stephan1870AN76-1810-159_Stephan.pdf (St I )116,140[ 1 ]
1871 Stephan1871AN78-1867-295_Stephan.pdf ( St II )260,841[ 1 ]
1871MNRAS32-23_Stephan.pdf194,345[ 1 ]
Trouvelot1871HarAnn7_Trouvelo_33BD4C.pdf5,495,878[ 1 ]
1872 Borelly1872AN79-1885-205_Borelly.pdf211,149[ 1 ]
1872MNRAS32-248_Borelly.pdf66,350[ 1 ]
Stephan1872AN79-1876-61_Stephan.pdf ( St III )127,190[ 1 ]
1872CRHARS74-444_Stephan.pdf93,426[ 1 ]
1873 Burnham1873MNRAS34-59_Burnham.pdf794,315[ 1 ]
Stephan1873AN81-1939-303_Stephan.pdf ( St IV )151,691[ 1 ]
1873CRHARS76-1073_Stephan.pdf120,983[ 1 ]
1873CRHARS77-1365_Stephan.pdf70,155[ 1 ]
1873MNRAS33-433_Stephan.pdf109,127[ 1 ]
1873MNRAS34-75_Stephan.pdf107,642[ 1 ]
1874 Stephan1874AN83-1972-51_Stephan.pdf ( St V )256,622[ 1 ]
1874AN83-1977-137_Stephan.pdf ( St VI )108,732[ 1 ]
1875 Schultz1875MNRAS35-135_Schultz.pdf986,593[ 1 ]
1876 Schmidt1876AN88-2097-137_Sch_51223.pdf272,047[ 1 ]
Stephan1876CRHARS83-328_Stephan.pdf ( St VII )146,969[ 1 ]
Winlock1876AnHar8-p24_Winlock.pdf4,046,399[ 1 ]
1877 Copeland1877AN90-2158-351_Cop_84CEB.pdf158,088[ 1 ]
Pechule1877AN90-2146-153_Pechule.pdf424,718[ 1 ]
Stephan1877AN89-2126-213_Stephan.pdf243,688[ 1 ]
1877AN89-2129-263_Stephan.pdf268,858[ 1 ]
1877CRHARS84-641_Stephan.pdf99,604[ 1 ]
1877MNRAS37-334_Stephan.pdf ( St VIII )181,751[ 1 ]
1877CRHARS84-704_Stephan.pdf149,651[ 1 ]
1877MNRAS37-337_Stephan.pdf172,918[ 1 ]
Tempel1877AN90-2159-355_Tempel.pdf545,329[ 1 ]
1878 Stephan1878CRHARS87-869_Stephan.pdf ( St IX )152,121[ 1 ]
Tempel1878AN93-2212-49_Tempel.pdf ( T I )1,241,390[ 1 ]
1879TRIA-381_Dreyer.pdf (General Catalogue Supplement)15,665,313
[ 2 ]
Tempel1879AN94-2253-335_Tempel.pdf ( T II )181,652[ 1 ]
1879AN95-2269-199_Tempel.pdf320,768[ 1 ]
1880 Baxendell1880MNRAS41-48_Baxendell.pdf90,450[ 1 ]
Block1880AN96-2287-109_Block.pdf295,859[ 1 ]
Common1880Copernicus1-50_Common.pdf389,520[ 5 ]
Stephan1880CRHARS90-837_Stephan.pdf ( St X )125,603[ 1 ]
Tempel1880AN96-2284-61_Tempel.pdf ( T III )365,725[ 1 ]
Winnecke1880AN96-2293-201_Winnecke.pdf371,220[ 1 ]
1881 Hall1881AN100-2394-173_Hall.pdf291,771[ 1 ]
Hough1881MNRAS41-410_Hough.pdf327,261[ 1 ]
Peters1881Cop1-51_Peters.pdf1,687,160[ 5 ]
Pickering1881Obs4-81_Pickering.pdf301,098[ 1 ]
Stephan1881AN100-2390-209_Stephan.pdf ( St XI )562,270[ 1 ]
1881CRHARS92-1128_Stephan.pdf ( St XI )67,468[ 1 ]
1881CRHARS92-1183_Stephan.pdf67,191[ 1 ]
1881CRHARS92-1260_Stephan.pdf116,331[ 1 ]
Tempel1881AN98-2347-299_Tempel.pdf ( T IV )376,607[ 1 ]
1882 Peters1881Cop2-54_Peters.pdf937,971[ 5 ]
Pickering1882AnHar13-62_Picker_511A1.pdf4,144,055[ 1 ]
1882AN103-2454-95_Pickering.pdf139,869[ 1 ]
1882AN103-2459-165_Pi_511D9.pdf141,721[ 1 ]
1882Obs5-26_Pickering.pdf331,787[ 1 ]
1882Obs5-294_Pickering.pdf181,359[ 1 ]
1882Obs5-342_Pickering.pdf178,471[ 1 ]
Tempel1882AN102-2439-225_Tempel.pdf ( T V )1,527,070[ 1 ]
1883 Barnard1883AN104-2490-285_Barnard.pdf89,923[ 1 ]
Burnham1883AN106-2524-63_Bur_5113B.pdf146,720[ 1 ]
Englemann1883AN104-2485_Engelmann.pdf1,236,707[ 1 ]
Harrington1883AN104-2479-111_Ha_80419.pdf111,864[ 1 ]
Hartwig1883AN105-2507-173_Hartwig.pdf178,784[ 1 ]
Palisa1883AN105-2520-369_Palisa.pdf1,251,378[ 1 ]
1883AN106-2544-381_Palisa.pdf121,371[ 1 ]
Pechule1883AN103-2470-337_Pechule.pdf537,289[ 1 ]
Pickering1883AN105-2517-335_Pi_511DB.pdf118,424[ 1 ]
Stephan1883AN105-2502-81_Stephan.pdf ( St XII )708,851[ 1 ]
1883CRHARS96-546_Stephan.pdf ( St XII )205,663[ 1 ]
1883CRHARS96-609_Stephan.pdf202,589[ 1 ]
Tempel1883AN105-2511-235_Tempel.pdf ( T VI )333,389[ 1 ]
1883AN106-2522-27_Tempel.pdf ( T VII )406,988[ 1 ]
1883AN106-2527-107_Tempel.pdf ( T VIII )420,505[ 1 ]
1884 Barnard1884AN108-2588-369_Barnard.pdf295,744[ 1 ]
1884Obs7-269_Barnard.pdf98,014[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1884AnPOb36_Bigourdan.pdf11,191,587[ 1 ]
Copeland1884MNRAS45-90_Copeland.pdf167,009[ 1 ]
1885 Barnard1885AN110-2624-125_Barnard.pdf147,431[ 1 ]
1885AN112-2688_Barnar_5110B.pdf206,508[ 1 ]
Engelhardt1885CDNDS-12_Engelhardt.pdf4,939,653[ 5 ]
Hartwig1885AN112-2688-407_Hartwig.pdf162,519[ 1 ]
Henry1885AN113-2702-239_Henry.pdf162,888[ 1 ]
Stephan1885AN111-2661-321_Stephan.pdf ( St XIII )790,657[ 1 ]
1885CRHARS100-1043_Stephan.pdf ( St XIII )206,144[ 1 ]
1885CRHARS100-1107_Stephan.pdf215,299[ 1 ]
Swift1885AN112-2683-313_Swift1.pdf ( Sw I )447,081[ 1 ]
1885AN113-2707-305_Swift.pdf ( SW II )1,245,210[ 2 ]
Tempel1885AN111-2660-315_Tempel.pdf ( T IX )151,230[ 1 ]
1886 Barnard1886AN115-2755-315_Barnard.pdf225,996[ 1 ]
1886AN115-2756-323_Barnard.pdf118,347[ 1 ]
Harrington1886AJ7-164-156_Harri_51171.pdf284,903[ 1 ]
Henry1886MNRAS46-98_Henry.pdf62,817[ 1 ]
Palisa1886AN114-2732-337_Palisa.pdf1,376,855[ 1 ]
Roberts1886MNRAS47-24_Roberts.pdf93,094[ 1 ]
Swift1886AN115-2746-153_Swift.pdf ( SW III )1,811,353[ 2 ]
1886AN115-2752-257_Swift.pdf ( SW IV )1,173,820[ 2 ]
Stone1886AJ7-146-9_Stone.pdf ( L I )653,380[ 1 ]
1886AJ7-152-57_Stone.pdf ( L II )549,420[ 1 ]
Tempel1886AN113-2691-47_Tempel.pdf ( T X )228,083[ 1 ]
Todd1886AN113-2698-153_Todd.pdf1,021,221[ 1 ]
1887 Bigourdan1887CRHAS105-1116_Bigourdan.pdf213,445[ 1 ]
1887CRHAS105-926_Bigourdan.pdf222,201[ 1 ]
Dreyer1887MNRAS47_Dreyer.pdf949,323[ 1 ]
Lohse1887MNRAS47-494_Lohse.pdf146,927[ 1 ]
Palisa1887AN116-2782-337_Palisa.pdf1,257,572[ 1 ]
Roberts1887MNRAS47-89_Roberts.pdf268,403[ 1 ]
1887MNRAS48-29_Roberts.pdf372,941[ 1 ]
Safford1887ARBDC_Safford.pdf2,766,568[ 5 ]
Spitaler1887AN117-2800-261_Spitaler.pdf188,634[ 1 ]
Swift1887AN116-2763-33_Swift.pdf ( Sw V ) 1,196,441[ 2 ]
1888 Austin1888AnHar13-62_Austin.pdf4,144,052[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1888AnPOb40_Bigourdan.pdf11,231,190[ 1 ]
Ginzel1888AN118-2829-321_Ginzel.pdf1,979,407[ 1 ]
Holden1888MNRAS48-388_Holden.pdf427,850[ 1 ]
Roberts1888MNRAS49-65_Roberts.pdf101,507[ 1 ]
1889 Pechule1889AN122-2911-137_Pechule.pdf597,362[ 1 ]
Roberts1889MNRAS49-362_Roberts.pdf177,231[ 1 ]
1889MNRAS49-389_Roberts.pdf168,697[ 1 ]
1890 Barnard1890AN123-2930-19_Bar_6F751.pdf122,834[ 1 ]
1890AN125-2998-379_Barnard.pdf235,529[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1890AnPOb42_Bigourdan.pdf26,339,726[ 1 ]
Burnham1890AN123-2929-1_Burnham.pdf1,836,807[ 1 ]
1890AN123-2930a_Burnham.pdf1,836,819[ 1 ]
Denning1890MNRAS51-96_Denning.pdf70,988[ 1 ]
1890Obs13-316_Denning.pdf219,027[ 1 ]
Pickering1890AnHar18-6-113_Pickering.pdf628,356[ 1 ]
Roberts1890MNRAS50-315_Roberts.pdf101,146[ 1 ]
Spitaler1890AN123-2932-59_Spitaler.pdf124,927[ 1 ]
1890AN125-2992-257_Spitaler.pdf1,079,337[ 1 ]
1890AN125-2993-281_Spitaler.pdf119,125[ 1 ]
1891 Barnard1891AN126-3004-53_Barnard.pdf288,353[ 1 ]
1891AN126-3017-277_Barnard.pdf131,585[ 1 ]
1891AN126-3018-293_Barnard.pdf138,012[ 1 ]
1891AN127-3038-231_Barnard.pdf159,424[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1891AnPOb43_Bigourdan.pdf12,638,902[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-471_Bigourdan.pdf214,724[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-647_Bigourdan.pdf159,086[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-703_Bigourdan.pdf121,981[ 1 ]
1891CRHSAS112-848_Bigourdan.pdf113,030[ 1 ]
Burnham1891AN127-3048_Burnham.pdf3,736,360[ 1 ]
Denning1891Obs14-196_Denning.pdf202,859[ 1 ]
1891Obs14-88_Denning.pdf308,774[ 1 ]
Pickering1891AN128-3049_Picker_7251A.pdf342,611[ 1 ]
Porter1891PCinO11_Porter_plates.pdf266,436[ 1 ]
1891PCinO11-1_Porter.pdf148,614[ 1 ]
1891PCinO11-5_Porter.pdf2,169,028[ 1 ]
Roberts1891MNRAS51-116_Roberts.pdf244,021[ 1 ]
1891MNRAS51-440_Roberts.pdf124,658[ 1 ]
Spitaler1891AN127-3030-91_Spitaler.pdf113,538[ 1 ]
Wolf1891AN127-3027-39_Wolf.pdf291,570[ 1 ]
1892 Archenhold1892AN129-3082-153_Ar_51100.pdf594,280[ 1 ]
Barnard1892AJ11-261-168_Barnard.pdf109,815[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3097-7_Barnard.pdf187,648[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3101-77_Barnard.pdf341,469[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3110-223_Barnard.pdf150,470[ 1 ]
1892AN130-3111-233_Barnard.pdf141,447[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1892AnPOb44_Bigourdan.pdf13,374,918[ 1 ]
Wilson1892AA103-247_Wilson.pdf977,694[ 5 ]
1893 Barnard1893AN134-3200-129_Barnard.pdf139,705[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1893AnPOb45_Bigourdan.pdf13,887,583[ 1 ]
Kobold1893AN3184-271_Kobold.pdf1,113,638[ 5 ]
1893VAG-153_Kobold.pdf1,176,088[ 5 ]
Roberts1893MNRAS53-124_Roberts.pdf187,489[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS53-331_Roberts.pdf86,205[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS53-357_Roberts.pdf148,362[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS53-443_Roberts.pdf247,251[ 1 ]
1893MNRAS54-92_Roberts.pdf276,600[ 1 ]
Spitaler1893AN132-3167-369_Spitaler.pdf8,297,572[ 5 ]
Stone1893PMcCO1-175_Stone.pdf2,072,665[ 1 ]
1894 Barnard1894AN136-3253-193_Barnard.pdf187,694[ 1 ]
Burnham1894PLicO2-153a156_Burnham.pdf181,698[ 1 ]
1894PLicO2-157a167_Burnham.pdf1,327,130[ 1 ]
1894PLicO2-168a181_Burnham.pdf2,456,796[ 1 ]
Kobold1894AN136-3241-11_Kobold.pdf225,131[ 1 ]
Espin1894MNRAS54-327_Espin.pdf176,796[ 1 ]
Pickering1894AN135-3227-195_Pi_72612.pdf269,068[ 1 ]
Palisa1894AN135-3235-341_Palisa.pdf120,178[ 1 ]
Pechule1894AN136-3259-305_Pechule.pdf1,240,837[ 1 ]
Roberts1894MNRAS54-136_Roberts.pdf178,446[ 1 ]
1894MNRAS54-370_Roberts.pdf192,635[ 1 ]
Wolf1894AN134-3214-365_Wolf.pdf318,042[ 1 ]
1894AN135-3217-11_Wol_71E6D.pdf333,556[ 1 ]
1895 Barnard1895AN138-3301-211_Barnard.pdf368,580[ 1 ]
1895ApJ2-350_Barnard-N1499.pdf165,891[ 1 ]
1895MNRAS55-442_Barnard.pdf1,067,634[ 1 ]
1895MNRAS55-453_Barnard.pdf370,247[ 1 ]
Fleming1895AN137-3269-71_Fleming.pdf390,742[ 1 ]
1895AN138-3299-175_Fleming.pdf469,939[ 1 ]
Keeler1895PASP7-279_Keeler.pdf328,754[ 1 ]
Roberts1895MNRAS55-223_Roberts.pdf233,331[ 1 ]
1895MNRAS56-32_Roberts.pdf183,658[ 1 ]
Wilson1895AJ15-358-184_Wilson.pdf153,022[ 1 ]
1896 Barnard1896AN139-3315-41_Barnard.pdf166,489[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1896CRHAS123-1243_Bigourdan.pdf173,205[ 1 ]
Gale1896AN143-3426-293_Ga_7889B.pdf125,896[ 1 ]
Roberts1896MNRAS56-379_Roberts.pdf251,320[ 1 ]
Stratonoff1896AN141-3366-103_St_79818.pdf158,851[ 1 ]
1897 Barnard1897AJ18-422-112_Barnard.pdf142,497[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1897AnPOb46_Bigourdan.pdf11,969,713[ 1 ]
1897CRHAS124-133_Bigourdan.pdf123,420[ 1 ]
1897CRHAS124-65_Bigourdan.pdf129,482[ 1 ]
Denning1897Obs20-205_Denning.pdf203,080[ 1 ]
Palisa1897AN143-3412-49_Palisa.pdf490,175[ 1 ]
Pickering1897AnHar26-167_Pickering.pdf2,319,701[ 1 ]
Roberts1897AN143-3429-341_Roberts.pdf342,357[ 1 ]
1897Obs20-244_Roberts.pdf281,731[ 1 ]
1898 Bidschof1898AN147-3520-257_Bidschof.pdf1,601,817[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1898AnPOb47_Bigourdan.pdf14,371,639[ 1 ]
Coddington1898PASP10-123_Coddington.pdf80,840[ 1 ]
Finlay1898MNRAS58-329_Finla_7D8F5.pdf77,090[ 1 ]
Hartwig1898AN148-3529-11_Hartwig.pdf427,305[ 1 ]
Howe1898MNRAS58-356_Howe.pdf498,730[ 1 ]
1898MNRAS58-515_Howe.pdf740,923[ 1 ]
1898MNRAS58-523_Howe.pdf137,703[ 1 ]
Keeler1898ApJ8-113_Keeler.pdf73,235[ 1 ]
Roberts1898AN147-3509-87_Roberts.pdf162,839[ 1 ]
Swift1898AN147-3517-209_Swift.pdf827,750[ 1 ]
1899 Bigourdan1899AnPOb48_Bigourdan.pdf20,655,388[ 1 ]
Howe1899MNRAS60-129_Howe.pdf1,037,533[ 1 ]
1899MNRAS60-130_Howe.pdf963,808[ 1 ]
Innes1899MNRAS59-339_Innes.pdf56,771[ 1 ]
Keeler1899MNRAS59-537_Keeler.pdf158,830[ 1 ]
1899PASP11-70_Keeler.pdf714,433[ 1 ]
Pickering1899ApJ9-173_Pickering.pdf127,740[ 1 ]
1900 Aitken1900AN153-3667_Aitken.pdf117,502[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1900AnPOb49_Bigourdan.pdf22,220,201[ 1 ]
Burnham1900PYerO1-296_Burnham.pdf81,965[ 1 ]
Espin1900AN152-3633-141_Espin.pdf584,276[ 1 ]
Howe1900MNRAS60-611_Howe.pdf153,980[ 1 ]
1900MNRAS61-29_Howe.pdf1,940,994[ 1 ]
Palisa1900AN152-3634-145_Palisa.pdf563,755[ 1 ]
Pickering1900AnHar33-135_Pickering.pdf1,852,284[ 1 ]
1901 Barnard1901ApJ14-151a7_Barnard.pdf437,320[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1901AnPOb50_Bigourdan.pdf16,833,874[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS132-1094_Bigourdan.pdf203,035[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS132-1465_Bigourdan.pdf109,037[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS133-206_Bigourdan.pdf112,711[ 1 ]
1901CRHAS133-26_Bigourdan.pdf144,407[ 1 ]
Wolf1901AN155-3704-127_Wolf.pdf156,177[ 1 ]
1902 Barnard1902MNRAS62-405_Barna_84F28.pdf993,968[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1902AnPOb51_Bigourdan.pdf15,459,509[ 1 ]
Innes1902MNRAS62-468_Innes_Lunt.pdf186,271[ 1 ]
Lunt1902MNRAS62-468_Lunt.pdf186,271[ 1 ]
Roberts1902MNRAS63-26_Roberts.pdf1,141,129[ 1 ]
Schwassmann1902PAIKH1-171_Schwassmann.pdf13,740,479[ 1 ]
1902PAIKH1-89_Schwassmann.pdf2,368,478[ 1 ]
Wolf1902PAIKH1-12_Wolf.pdf490,188[ 1 ]
1903 Barnard1903ApJ17-77_Barnard.pdf313,592[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1903AnPOb52_Bigourdan.pdf7,928,358[ 1 ]
Roberts1903AN160-3836-337_Roberts.pdf618,778[ 1 ]
1903AN161-3857-301_Roberts.pdf208,833[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63-301a3_Roberts.pdf396,011[ 1 ]
Wolf1903AN161-3847-127_Wolf.pdf176,481[ 1 ]
1903AN161-3848-129_Wolf.pdf419,909[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63-304_Wolf.pdf74,440[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63A-506_Wolf.pdf403,668[ 1 ]
1903MNRAS63B-303_Wolf.pdf163,370[ 1 ]
1903PAIKH2-57_Wolf.pdf864,024[ 1 ]
1903PAIKH2-77_Wolf.pdf1,025,300[ 1 ]
1903PAIKH2-89_Wolf.pdf707,104[ 1 ]
1904 Bellamy1904MNRAS64-662_Bellamy.pdf572,033[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1904AnPOb53_Bigourdan.pdf9,870,337[ 1 ]
Wolf1904MNRAS64-838_Wolf.pdf426,856[ 1 ]
1905 Bigourdan1905AnPOb54_Bigourdan.pdf18,958,649[ 1 ]
Wolf1905AN168-4013-75_Wolf.pdf142,305[ 1 ]
1905MNRAS65-528_Wolf.pdf334,653[ 1 ]
1906 Barnard1906AN173-4136-117+12_6CB78.pdf474,547[ 1 ]
1906AN172-4112-123_Barnard.pdf130,237[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1906AnPOb55_Bigourdan.pdf27,582,635[ 1 ]
Wolf1906AN170-4069-211_Wolf.pdf168,901[ 1 ]
1906AN171-4082-27_Wolf.pdf148,702[ 1 ]
1906AN171-4091-169_Wolf.pdf325,659[ 1 ]
1907 Barnard1907ApJ25-218a25_Barnard.pdf98,396[ 1 ]
1907ApJ25-281_Barnard.pdf140,427[ 1 ]
1907ApJ25-plates_Barnard.pdf128,264[ 1 ]
Bigourdan1907AnPOb56_Bigourdan_intro.pdf47,099,426[ 1 ]
Espin1907MNRAS67-360_Espin.pdf62,459[ 1 ]
Wolf1907AN176-4207-109_Wolf.pdf336,974[ 1 ]
1907MNRAS68-30_Wolf.pdf191,612[ 1 ]
1907PAIKH3-77_Wolf.pdf1,058,068[ 1 ]
1908 Austin1908AnHar60-plates_Austin.pdf1,670,651[ 1 ]
Bailey1908AnHar60-8-199_Bailey.pdf4,561,411[ 1 ]
Barnard1908AN177-4239-231_Barnard.pdf545,352[ 1 ]
Keeler1908PLicO8-11_Keeler.pdf5,834,829[ 1 ]
Pickering1908AnHar60-147a194_P_85A5E.pdf5,549,755[ 1 ]
Wolf1908MNRAS68-626_Wolf.pdf126,753[ 1 ]
1908MNRAS69-117_Wolf.pdf102,195[ 1 ]
1908PAIKH3-3-77_Wolf.pdf1,058,080[ 1 ]
1908PAIKH3-4-87_Wolf.pdf2,428,150[ 1 ]
1908PAIKH3-8-149_Wolf.pdf1,420,371[ 1 ]
1909 Wolf1909AN183-4380-187_Wolf.pdf234,645[ 1 ]
Kobold1909SA3-28_Kobold.pdf1,305,782[ 5 ]
1912Dreyer1912MNRAS73_Dreyer_co_5115A.pdf265,043[ 1 ]
1913 Wolf1913VeHei6-1-1_Wolf.pdf73,278[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-10-115_Wolf.pdf1,616,974[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-11-131_Wolf.pdf685,846[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-2-5_Wolf.pdf342,262[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-3-9_Wolf.pdf874,527[ 1 ]
1913VeHei6-8-85_Wolf.pdf514,563[ 1 ]
1915Reinmuth1915VeHei7-141_Reinmuth.pdf4,386,906[ 1 ]
1916 Bigourdan1916CRHAS-489_Cysat-B_84857.pdf82,009[ 1 ]
Esmiol1916TOMar0004_Esmiol-all.pdf8,358,816[ 1 ]
Reinmuth1916VeHei7-175_Reinmuth.pdf1,114,326[ 1 ]
Wolf1916AN202-4833_Wolf.pdf216,389[ 1 ]
1916VeHei7-7-169_Wolf.pdf609,166[ 1 ]
1918Denning1918Obs41-140_Denning.pdf82,301[ 1 ]
1930Hagen1930MNRAS90_Hagen_N7088.pdf309,893[ 1 ]
1940Carlson1940AJ91-350_CarlsonD.pdf6,507,617[ 5 ]
1947Hogg1947JRASC41-69_Hogg-Halley.pdf259,188[ 1 ]